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Java Installer, Exe Wrapper Links

Java Exe Wrappers

http://jsmooth.sourceforge.net | http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsmooth
wraps your .jars into a "standard" windows .exe executables; the wrapper searches for all Java runtimes on your machine and knows how to pass on parameters and how to set up the memory configuration and how to manage version constraints and much more. when the user clicks on the .exe, the wrapper looks up the most suitable Java runtime installed on your machine to kick off the java app; if no Java runtime is found, the wrapper pops up a dialog box to let you know and directs you to a web site to grab a Java runtime; licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL); headed by Rodrigo Reyes

http://jstart32.sourceforge.net | http://sourceforge.net/projects/jstart32
wraps your .jars into "standard" win32 executables; includes a configurations tool; both tools are written in Delphi 7; licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL); headed by Arik Dasen and Bernhard von Gunten

Roxes Ant Task Suite
The <sfx> task creates self-extracting executables out of zip archives for Windows, Mac OS X or Unix The <jstub> task creates highly configurable executables wrappers for Windows, Mac OS X or Unix; licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL); headed by Lars Gersmann

Java Installers

a installer generator in Java for Java creating single-jar lightweight installers. Depending on the operating system you can launch the installer with a double-click or a simple 'java -jar installer.jar' command on the shell; licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL); headed by Julien Ponge

http://vainstall.sourceforge.net | http://sourceforge.net/projects/vainstall
installer written in Java offering six formats for self-contained auto-install packages, that is, executable Java class, executable Java archive, Web Start XML startup script, Windows executable, Linux executable and Linux shell script; licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL); headed by Axel von Arnim, Desnoix Guillaume and others

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
http://nsis.sourceforge.net | http://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis
a scriptable light-weight win32 installer/uninstaller system that rocks; NSIS 2 includes a new modern user interface, supports multiple languages and features an easy plugin system; licensed under a zlib-like license; headed by Justin Frankel


Java Service Wrapper
allows you to install and controll your Java app like "standard" Windows or Unix services; includes fault correction to automatically restart crashed or frozen Java runtimes to keep your critical app running 24x7; licensed under a MIT license; headed by Leif Mortenson

SysTray for Java (systray4j)
lets you add your app to the system tray under Windows or Linux KDE; licensed under the GNU Library GPL (LGPL); headed by Tamas Bara

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