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Unofficial Java Web Start/JNLP FAQ


This FAQ complements Sun's official Java Web Start FAQ page and aims to provide you with information that is not included on the official page for whatever reason. If you just started with Web Start, please check Sun's Official Java Web Start/JNLP FAQ third-party link page first.

I invite you to share your insights, comments, suggestions, or corrections. Please send them to the lopica-talk mailinglist (Subscribe/Unsubscribe) or send a private email to gerald@vamphq.com (Gerald Bauer) or post your insights at Sun's Java Web Start and JNLP forum third-party link. The Unofficial Web Start FAQ is a living, growing list of answers, not just a publish-and-forget-it static dead-tree booklet, help to improve it.

Questions and Answers

What's new?


Web Server Setup

Installation and Troubleshooting

Resource Loading

JNLP Descriptors (aka Start-Up File)

Libraries (JSSE, JCE, JAAS, etc.)

Security, Signing, Sandbox

Web Start Extensions

J2EE Troubleshooting




Q: What does the support of Web Start in Java 1.4 look like?

Web Start is bundled with Java 1.4.

On Windows, Web Start is installed silently during the installation of the Java 1.4. Look for a Web Start icon on your desktop. There will also be an entry for Web Start in the Start --> Programs menu.

On Solaris and Linux, the installation script for Web Start is contained within a zip file that you can find in the jre directory of the JDK (or in the top level of the JRE). Move the zip file to a location where you would like to install Web Start. Sun recommends that this location be outside the JDK or JRE directory structure. Unzip the file and run the install.sh script to install Web Start.

Be warned, if you install Java 1.4 Beta 2 it will erase the content of your Web Start cache. You have to download all apps again. Note, this behavior is fixed starting with Web Start 1.0.1_02.

Milestone Expected Date
Beta 2 (aka Beta Refresh) early September 2001
Beta 3 end of the year 2001
Release Candidate (RC) 1 beginning of 2002
Final Release first quater of 2002 (Q1 2002)

Sun released Java 1.4 in mid-February 2002 as scheduled for Linux, Windows and Solaris.

Q: Can Web Start update itself?

Web Start has an update detection mechanism that can inform the user when a new release is available. At the moment the installation is manual. However, Web Start itself (without a JRE) is expected to be a download of 400k or less. Web Start already supports automatic upgrading to newer versions of JREs.

Q: Can I use Web Start for command line/batch apps?

Support for command line/batch apps is currently limited. You can launch apps from a command prompt/shell. Example:

javaws http://java.sun.com/apps/draw.jnlp

However, you cannot pass in arguments for your app on the command line as javaws only takes a single URL as an argument and ignores the rest.

If you want to pass in arguments to your app, you have to add them to the start-up file (aka JNLP descriptor) using <argument> or <property> elements. Nothing is wrong with "hard-coding" your arguments in the start-up file (aka JNLP descriptor) as long as your arguments don't change.

If your arguments are not known in advance or change from time to time, there are a couple of workarounds to pass your arguments along to your app.

A simple workaround is to create a servlet that takes in your arguments as parameters in the URL (e.g. http://localhost/apps/notepad.jsp?dir=c:/carrie/chap1/shower.txt) and adds them to the startup file (aka JNLP descriptor) that it sends along to Web Start. This workaround requires a web server.

(One trick is to make sure not to include the href attribute in the JNLP file that your servlet sends back to Web Start. This will tell Web Start to disable the update check on JNLP files, and Web Start will not treat each new JNLP file as an application update - only updated jar files will.)

A more esotereric workaround that doesn't require a web server is creating your own JNLP client that allows you to pass along your arguments to your apps. That sounds harder than it is. Building a stripped down JNLP client (e.g. no installer, no applets) using one of the two open-source client as a start takes probably just a couple of days and should be sufficient for in house usage.

A more sopisticated workaround that doesn't require a web server and that doesn't require you to replace Web Start is wrapping your own executable around javaws that takes your passed in arguments plus JNLP URL and looks up the original in the cache and patches it or adds a new one to the cache that it passes on to javaws to start up the app using your arguments.

The next step would be to create another executable that wraps your wrapper to make a command-line call look like as nothing had happened. Example:

javawsex http://jakarta.apache.org/ant.jnlp jar javadoc crossref
javawsex http://java.sun.com/apps/notepad.jnlp c:/carrie/chap1/shower.txt


ant jar javadoc crossref
notepad c:/carrie/chap1/shower.txt

Q: Can I use Web Start for Intranet apps?

Yes, Web Start is well-suited for Intranet apps. Note, that you can also use file:// URLs to access the local file system. If you use file:// URLs you need to use file:/// because file:// doesn't work. The third slash is required for the left out host name. Example:

javaws file:///c:/sandbox/venus/startup/hazel.jnlp

In case your path to the .jnlp file contains spaces, enclose the path in double quotes. Example:

javaws "file:///C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\

Q: Is Web Start available for Macintosh?

Web Start ships with Mac OS X 10.1. You can see it with your own eyes at http://developer.apple.com/java/javawebstart/ third-party link

Note, that Web Start is not available for download as a separate package. It is only available with Mac OS X 10.1 or later as a bundle.

Another option is alive and kicking OpenJNLP lead by Kevin Herrboldt at http://openjnlp.sourceforge.net third-party link which works on all platforms including Mac OS 9 and other JDK 1.1 platforms.

Q: Does Web Start support downloading jars using FTP?

Web Start cannot handle FTP connections because it depends on HTTP headers for determining things like last-modified date. FTP returns no such headers.

The JNLP spec explicitly limits JNLP to the HTTP protocol.

Q: How can I use Web Start and Jini together?

The following is a short excerpt from the book "A Programmer's Guide to Jini Technology" by Jan Newmarch. The full chapter is available online at http://pandonia.canberra.edu.au/java/jini/tutorial/JNLP.xml third-party link

Jini and JNLP Comparison

On the face of it, Jini and JNLP appear to occupy similar spaces in that they both allow code to be migrated to a client machine and to execute there. The following table summarises some of the differences and similarities

downloads a service downloads an application
a client must be running to request a service a browser must be running which calls a helper to start the application
each service looks after itself, independently of any clients each JNLP file specifies all required parts of an application; if any part changes, the JNLP file must be updated
the client may need to know the location of a lookup service, but not of any service the user of a JNLP application must know the URL of the JNLP file
no generic client generic JNLP helper

Combining Jini and JNLP

If a user does not have the client-side of a Jini application installed, then they cannot make use of Jini services. Here is where JNLP can help, by allowing a user to download an application that can run as the client. The user only needs to know a URL for this, and finding URLs is a common experience for most users nowadays. Corporate Web sites, Web search engines, portals and so on are all mechanisms used to find interesting Web sites and download information.

The converse question is: if JNLP is used to find an application, what is the value of Jini in this? The answer to this lises in the distributed management of Jini services. Suppose a JNLP application relies on a number of components put together, say as a collection of packages. The JNLP file has to specify the location of every one of these packages. If one of the packages changes, then the JNLP file has to be updated. It gets more complex if one of the packages changes to become dependant upon another new package: that new package has to be added to the JNLP file. In other words, management of a JNLP application has to be centralised, to the manager of the JNLP file.

Jini, on the other hand, lets every package/service be managed by its own manager. If a Jini service changes implementation, then it can do so without any external consultation, and just re-registers the new implementation with Jini lookup services. If a service changes to use another service, it does not need to inform anyone else about this change. A Jini client does not need to know how services are implemented ot even where they are located.

Jini is not quite management-free: a client may need to know where lookup services reside. On a local network a client can use multicast to locate lookup services, but outside of this local network clients will need to used unicast to find lookup services at known locations. This is still an improvement: Jini lookup services are relatively stable, persistent and stationary services, whereas the services themselves may be transient or unstable.

The combination of Jini and JNLP works like this:

  1. A user finds the URL for an application
  2. The user downloads the JNLP file which is executed by the JNLP helper
  3. The helper downloads the application's jar files, and runs a Java runtime engine with these jar files
  4. Properties are set in the JNLP file for Jini lookup services, so the application can locate its required Jini lookup services at runtime
  5. When the application needs a service, it finds it from the Jini lookup services and uses it
  6. If the service needs to make use of other services, then it can perform its own search for them, without the knowledge of the application

Q: Can I use Web Start to deploy server apps?

Web Start is designed for rich desktop apps and, therefore, has currently limited support for command line apps or mission critical, 24x7x365, always-up, high performance daemons serving thousands of customers simultaneously.

If you want to deploy web apps consider using Web Archives (.war).

An installation service for Java Daemons is also in the works as Java Specification Request (JSR) 96. Check out JSR 96 - Java Daemons at http://www.jcp.org/jsr/detail/96.jsp third-party link. The stated goal is to supply a small container framework for developing and deploying independently running services in order to fill the gap caused by different handling of existing native platfroms.

(Status: Expert Group Formed - Yes, Public Review Underway - No, Community Draft Published - No, Proposed Final Draft Published - No)

Q: Can I use Web Start to deploy apps to mobile devices (J2ME)?

Web Start is designed for rich desktop apps (aka resource hogs) requiring Megas of disk space and very likely doesn't fit on your Java phone unless you attach a Giga hard disk somehow.

If you want to deploy apps to mobile devices consider using MIDlets.

You can try the SavaJe XE operating system for StrongARM devices. SavaJe includes the J2SE 1.3, so it could work with Web Start. You can download a trial copy of SavaJe XE from http://www.savaje.com third-party link

- Marco Maier

A goal for OpenJNLP is to run on PDAs.

OpenJNLP has been split into a JNLP-launching library and a separate app/GUI. Swing and the GUI have never been required to use OpenJNLP launching, and it's even easier to use as a standalone library now. The OpenJNLP library is currently 48KB in size, should fit on a PDA easily even with the XML parser. Packaging is simplified as well, requiring just the library, SAX2 and NanoXML in the classpath. If you want the full app/GUI you add the app jar.

- Kevin Herrboldt (author of OpenJNLP)

Q: Is Web Start a general installer?

Web Start is different from classic, big blue gradient, pre-Internet, install-and-forget-it, single-shot installers. Web Start is designed for Java apps and, therefore, isn't of any help if you want to install Windows .exe apps that require a bunch of registry settings, for example.

Although Web Start doesn't offer offline installation (aka CD installers) out-of-the box, it's not hard to add them. Venus Application Publisher offers more than five different offline installation options that allow follow-up online upgrades. You can find out more at http://www.vamphq.com.

Sun has also a general application installation API in the works that seems to drag on forever. Check out Java Specification Request (JSR) 38 - Application Installation API at http://www.jcp.org/jsr/detail/38.jsp third-party link. The stated goal is to develop Java APIs that will enable cross-platform installation and de-installation of Java apps as well as platform specific apps.

(Status: Expert Group Formed - Yes, Public Review Underway - No, Community Draft Published - No, Proposed Final Draf Published - No)

Q: What's New In Web Start?

v1.2 Beta - June 2002

Web Start Promoted. Note that starting with Java 1.4.1 (aka Hopper) you can no longer download Web Start without a Java runtime (or a Java runtime without Web Start).

v1.0.1_02 - February 2002

v1.0.1_01 -

v1.0.1 -

v1 - December 2000

Q: Can I distribute Web Start apps without putting them on a web server (aka CD installers)?

Yes, you can. One option is to use the file:// protocol instead of http://.

Vamp (aka Venus Application Publisher) offers a couple of choices such as installing your app directly into Web Start's cache or using single, self-contained jars that include a built-in, ultra light-weight web server that serves up your app's jars from the installer's jar itself.

Client archives (.car) are standard jars that include all required jars, icons as well as a all required JNLP descriptors including extensions that are needed by an app in a single jar similar to RPM packages.

Q: Can I run Web Start Apps on a headless (monitor-less) UNIX system?

Headless (monitor-less) UNIX machines usually have no XWindow installed and, therefore, lack a browser. You can start your Web Start apps from the command line.

Web Start currently cannot run on headless UNIX systems even if you suppress Web Start's splash popup using the undocumented javaws.cfg.showSplashScreen false property.

What you can do, however, is to run your GUI-less apps with Web Start clones such as OpenJNLP or NetX that support command-line only launching without any download progress or signature GUI popups.

Q: Has Web Start won any Awards?

Q: Is Java Dead On The Desktop?

Java is alive and kicking. To see yourself check out these links:

Sun's bi-monthly Swing Sightings Series third-party link shows off many, many Java desktop apps from the Apollo Human Genome Browser to Tejina, a Japanese Handwriting Trainer using the Kunststoff Look And Feel.

JavaOne 2002 talk How to Build an Awesome Java Client with Swing third-party link (74 slides) by Scott Violet, Norbert Lindenberg and Dale McDuffie (Sun)

IBM's Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), a high-performance, low-footprint, cross-platform, open-source alternative to Swing online at http://www.eclipse.org third-party link

LimeWire, a Gnutella Peer File Sharing App, was Java's first killer app for non-developers tallying up more than ten million downloads from Joe Blocks in 2001 (average weekly download of two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand estimated daily users). Online at http://www.limewire.com third-party link

Q: What's the catch?

Biggie. Most desktop computer lack a factory pre-installed Java runtime plus Web Start add-on when bought in store. Broadband users need to download the ten mega Java runtime package themeselfs. Dial-up users need to get it on CD/DVD as a one hour download over a 28.8k modem is impratical.

Good News. Mac OS X ships with a factory pre-installed Java runtime plus Web Start. Java 1.4.1 (code-named Hopper) will include AutoInstall, a plug-in for Internet Explorer for Windows that installs Web Start and/or your app on the user's machine over the Internet through a single-click. Java's Plug-In installation automatically adds Web Start as a free bonus. Finally, a ten meg download isn't huge nowadays. It's roughly the size of the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in and much smaller than a MPEG movie.


Q: What alternatives exist to Web Start and Java for rich cross-platform, zero-admin desktop apps?

HTML/Javascript (aka Dynamic HTML - DHTML)




see Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org third-party link) or Luxor (http://luxor-xul.sourceforge.net third-party link) for details


see W3C (http://www.w3c.org third-party link) for details

.Net Gtk#

see Mono (http://www.go-mono.com third-party link) for details

Other Open-Source Alternatives: XWT, Sash, etc.

Other Closed-Source Alternatives: Flash, Curl, etc.

Q: Who is using Web Start?

Check out the app directories listed in the link section categorizing hundreds of Web Start apps.

Q: How does Web Start differ from Applets?

Web Start != Applet 2.0/NT. Web Start is not a replacement for applets unless you abused applets for mega-sized pop-up windows floating outside of web pages. Applets run inside the web page on the browser's one and only Java runtime. In contrast Web Start apps run on its own Java runtime outside the browser.

Applets - dynamic content inside a web page in a browser

Web Start Apps - full-blown, stand-alone desktop apps that run without a browser

Q: Can I create my own Java runtime installers without breaching Sun's license?

Yes, you can. Read on for the fineprint.

Legalese demystified: Sun's Java runtime redistribution terms in plain-English:

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, a ballerina, Scott McNeally or Elvis Presley.

You can freely (free-of-charge) redistribute Sun's Java runtime (including Web Start) with your masterpiece (known as value-added app).

Sun also allows you to repackage the Java runtime (so that you can auto-install it with your very own Web Start installer).

Taboos. Sun doesn't allow you to redistribute stand-alone Java runtimes (that is, without your app) on CDs in books or magazines, for example, without asking their licensing department first.

Also Sun doesn't allow you to redistribute pre-release (aka Beta) Java runtimes (e.g. JRE v.1.4.1 Beta) without permission.

Sun's license states that you aren't allowed to "modify" the Java runtime meaning you aren't allowed to change the code (e.g. replacing Sun's java.net.Socket class with your very own). Note that, "modify" in legalese doesn't forbid repacking. You can even drop some files from Sun's Java runtime distro if Sun tagged them as optional (vs. required).

Q: Can Web Start resume downloads?

Web Start doesn't support "resume download" on individual jars. However, Web Start will resume downloading the next jar that was not completed. Thus, the best work around for mega downloads over dial-up connections, for example, is to break up your app into several smaller jars instead of using a few biggies.

Q: Can I update running apps?

Q: Can Web Start do background updates and notify the user to restart her app to get the newest version?

A: You cannot check for updates in running app using the Web Start API. Web Start only checks for updates on startup.

Web Start 1.2 Update. Starting with Web Start 1.2 and greater, if the update check times out (that is, after 1+1/2 secs by default) Web Start will startup the cached version and continue the update check and possible download in the background. However, if there's a new version, Web Start won't notify the user.

Web Server Setup

Q: How can I add JNLP MIME-types to my ISP's Apache Web Server?

If you've read Web Start's docu you know that your web server has to return a special MIME type for JNLP files: application/x-java-jnlp-file.

It's not always easy to convince your web space provider to change their web server configuration. If your provider runs Apache (as many do) and hasn't switched off support for the .htaccess feature (which is usually true) there's an easier way: Just add these two lines to the .htaccess file at the top directory of your site (or create one, if it doesn't exit):

AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file    .jnlp
AddType application/x-java-archive-diff .jardiff

Now try to load a JNLP file from your site. If you browser still displays the content of the JNLP file instead of starting Web Start, shift-click the Reload button to make sure no caches are involved (this is at least how it works for Netscape).

As an alternative you can check if your web server supports scripts such as PHP or Perl and use it to set the MIME type header dynamically. In PHP this is a one line affair as the example below sent in by Marc Prud'hommeaux shows:

<? header ("Content-Type: application/x-java-jnlp-file"); ?>
<jnlp codebase="http://www.L2FProd.com/software/skinlf/jnlp" 
    <title>Skin LF Java Web Start Demo</title>
    <homepage href="http://www.L2FProd.com/software/skinlf/" />
    <description>Skin LF Java Web Start Demo</description>
    <offline-allowed />
    <j2se version="1.4+ 1.3+"/> 
    <jar href="demo.jar"/>
    <extension name="Skin Look And Feel" href="skinlf.php"/>
  <application-desc main-class="javawebstart">

In the unlikely case, your provider supports Java Server Pages (JSP), but hasn't JNLP mime type support turned on; you can use the one line JSP page directive below:

<%@ page contentType="application/x-java-jnlp-file" %>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp codebase="http://localhost" href="hello.jsp">
    <title>Hello Web Start</title>
    <desc>Hello Web Start Example</desc>
    <j2se version="1.4+ 1.3+"/>
    <jar href="lib/hello.jar"/>
  <application-desc main-class="HelloWebStart"/>
Installation and Troubleshooting

Q: How can I pre-install an app into the Web Start cache?

A brute force method is installing your app to your local machine and then taking the image and copying it onto different machines.

A better method is using Venus Application Publisher's Web Start Cache Utility code-named Celia. Celia allows you to install packages to your Web Start app cache without downloading them from the original web site. You can package apps you wish to install in jars and feed them to Celia. Celia will honor whatever codebase you specify in the JNLP descriptor and install all necessary files as if they were downloaded by Web Start itself from the original web site. You can find out more at http://www.vamphq.com/cache.html

Q: How can I change the Web Start application folder/cache?

Web Start doesn't allow you to change the application folder/cache.

However, Mik Tuver discovered the undocumented property below that lets you change Web Start's app cache. Example:


Q: Can I install Web Start silently?

Yes, use the /silent command-line flag (Windows only).

Q: Web Start returns a Bad MIME Type error. What's wrong?

This is a very common problem and most likely caused by Web Start's failed attempt to automatically detect your proxy settings. The "Bad MIME Type" error displayed by Web Start is somewhat confusing as it should really be a "Resource Not Found" error.

Your proxy will send back an error page either in HTML or plain text instead of the requested JNLP descriptor if it fails to get the JNLP descriptor requested by Web Start.

You can change your proxy settings for Web Start manually by starting the Application Manager and using the Preference panel. (Select File|Preferences to get there.)

Proxy Settings

You can use telnet to check what is holding back Web Start. Connect to the web server hosting the JNLP descriptor that causes the "Bad MIME Type" error. Once you are connected type in a HTTP GET request to check what the web server serves up. Example:

GET /venus.jnlp HTTP/1.0

You should get a response similar to the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Wed Jul 18 19:57:33 CDT 2001
Server: Venus Light-Weight HTTP Server
Content-length: 1183
Content-type: application/x-java-jnlp-file

<jnlp [...]>

Now that you know that the web server returns the correct MIME type, all you need to do, is figure out your proxy settings.

Note, starting with version 1.2 Web Start accepts JNLP startup files even if they ship with the wrong MIME type badge (e.g text/plain instead of the proper application/x-java-jnlp-file). However, if you use jardiffs (that is, jar patches that hold only the changes to fix up outdated jars and turning them into shiny new jars sporting the latest and greatest bells and whistles) Web Start requires the proper MIME type to differentiate between plain-vanilla jars (application/x-java-archive) and jars holding jardiffs (application/x-java-archive-diff).

Q: Does Web Start support Mozilla?

Yes, it does. Mozilla works out of the box on Windows. Unfortunately, you have to register Web Start manually as a helper app to Mozilla on non-Windows boxes. Here are the steps:

Note, that Sun's JavaScript Web Start detection script doesn't work for Mozilla. Adding Sun's JavaScript Web Start detection script to your HTML page is extremley short sighted and bad practice anyway and should be avoided. If you want to launch Sun's Web Start demo apps, use the no JavaScript page version instead of the malicous JavaScript page.

Q: Why can't Web Start and Microsoft Proxy Server get along?

Here are some postings showing Microsoft at its best:

If your Web Start client is behind a Microsoft Proxy Server and user authentification is switched on, your Web Start Java app never starts. It will work with anonymous authentification, however.

At some customer site the starting app stops when it tries to transmit serialized objects. On other sites we get an 407 "Proxy Authenfication required".

In the Web Start docs we can read "... Web Start will also prompt you for a user name and password required to access an authenticating proxy server. " Did anybody ever see this dialog with Web Start and Microsoft Proxy Server?

Microsoft Proxy Server uses NTLM authentication to authenticate its clients. Unfortunately, NTLM authentication is based on a Microsoft proprietary protocol and there is no official specification. Although NTLM authentication is similar to the standardized and widely-used BASIC authentication, it is not exactly the same and clients expecting a BASIC authentication handshake will fail unless they have a special WinSock Proxy Client installed (another Microsoft component, of course).

My guess is that Web Start is only able to handle BASIC authentication (which would definitely make sense). In any case, it cannot implement a handshake for NTLM because there is no official specification.

Web Start works fine with a proxy using BASIC for authentication.

For more information on NTLM see

If anyone else than me is interested in trying to write some code which will accomplish this, please drop me an email at andda715@student.liu.se. Then we could set up a project at sourceforge.net and see what happens.

- Anders Dahlberg

Btw, I've found some c code which does this (a mod to apache), I'm sure we can copy this code if we ask nicely :).

Dmitry Rozmanov has created a free, open-source NTLM authorization proxy server in Python that supports Microsoft's proprietary NTML protocol. Features include:

See http://www.geocities.com/rozmanov/ntlm/ third-party link for details.

The NTLM authorization issue is also logged at Sun's Bug Parade at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4423881.html third-party link.

Sun's policy is not to support Microsoft's proprietary NTLM authentication. Instead Sun's suggests that you upgrade to Microsoft Internet Accelerator Server (IAS) as it supports HTTP digest authentication and use it instead of the preconfigured, Microsoft-only NTLM.

HTTP digest authentication like NTLM authentication no longer sends plain-text passwords over the wire as HTTP basic does. You need to upgrade from Microsoft Proxy Server to the rebranded Internet Accelerator Server as HTTP digest authorization is not supported in the older Microsoft Proxy Server.

Luigi Dragone wrote a 100% pure Java implementation of the Micropoly NTLM authentication protocol (released under the GNU GPL). Jump to http://www.luigidragone.com/networking/ntlm.html third-party link for details.

Java 1.4.2 Update. NTLM authentication support is forthcoming in Java 1.4.2 (Mantis).

Q: Can I install Web Start on Windows without admin privileges?

Not out-of-the box using Sun's Web Start installer. Here are some roadblock you have to overcome:

Here are some voices from the trenches:

We had no luck allowing the users to install, unless they were give admin priv, which we did temporarily. That worked fine.

We also thought we would pre-install it on the boxes but it seems that it will only work under the same user id that did the install. So we can't have an admin account load it up for everyone. Each user has to do it when they get their box, and has to have admin help when they do it. Kind of the worst situation since it requires the user and the admin to do it.

  1. Because of the registry settings the user needs at least "main user" properties for the installation to be successfull (i.e. setting the MIME type, etc.). Unfortunately, the Web Start app manager icon is put into the installing user's desktop folder, so that only this user will have the icon on his desktop and hence be able to start web start without problems. Our admins copy the icon to the All Users desktop so that everybody "has" it. Alternatively, you can give the user instructions how to acess web start or create a Web Start desktop icon. Having the installer put the shortcut to the All User's desktop folder may solve this problem.
  2. In our configuration the program folder (C:\Program Files) is read-only for normal users, so that they cannot install software. Because the cache of Web Start is located below the install directory, which is the program folder by default, normal users cannot let Web Start write to the cache, and therefore cannot download applications.

We solved this problem by installing Web Start not to the program folder. This cannot be done automatically with the silent option, because there is not command line parameter through which you can specify the installation directory. So we do it manually for each Web Start installation (or use a standard hard disk image for standard configurations, where Web Start is included).

This problem could be solved, by moving the Web Start cache to the user's area or by giving us the possibility to specify an install directory from a command line using the silent install. Nullsoft has apparently this option (-D), but somehow, I am not successfull to carry it out. I asked already that the Nullsoft Installer script is being published so that everybody could modify it to his need. No answer yet to this topic.

- Thomas Gulden

What is possible under Windows, is allowing access to certain registry keys for all users: http://www.microsoft.com/office /ork/xp/one/deph02.htm third-party link

As a workaround, you can throw out Windows and replace it with Linux. Under Linux it is possible to do all necessary steps as common user. The cache will be put in the user's home directory, the "mime-type->file extension" association is set up in the user's .mimetypes file and the "mime-type->application" association in the user's .mailcap file.

Thomas Gulden reports on trouble with shortcuts on multi-user Windows machines using a single Web Start install:

If more than one user works on a machine, the shortcut creation for the second user (lets call her Betty) (not the lucky girl who installed Web Start) faces some bad karma.

1) When Betty logs in she does not see any icon for a downloaded Web Start app. This is correct, because Web Start creates the shortcut in the user's home directory leaving Betty to create the icon herself. When she uses the menu, she only finds a menu item allowing her to delete the shortcut (even though there isn't any). This is because Web Start maintains only a global property to track if it has created icons or not. This seems to be inconsistent design as Web Start should store the property in the user's home directory for each user instead of once for all.

2) After deleting the shortcut Betty can now invoke "create shortcut" again. If she dares to do so, a shortcut shows up on the desktop sporting Web Start's default icon instead of the app's very own. We found out that this is caused by the user privileges assigned to the icon in Web Start's cache. Only the user who first installed the app has the right to access it and this restriction seems only to apply for the app's icon, the rights for all other files are set to everyone.

Web Start 1.2 Update. Web Start now stores its cache under the user's folder (and no longer in the read-only program folder).

Q: Why doesn't Sun's Javascript Web Start detection script work for my household browser?

Sun's Javascript Web Start detection script works only with Netscape 4.x and Internet Explorer. If you use Netscape 6.x, Mozilla, Opera or other browsers, Sun's Web Start detection script fails because Netscape 6.x, Opera and Mozilla, for example, implement navigator.mimeTypes different than Netscape 4.x.

In conclusion, don't include Sun's Javascript Web Start detection script into your HTML page unless you work for Microsoft, instead point directly to the jnlp file. Using Sun's Javascript Web Start detection script not only blocks all browsers other than Internet Explorer but also hinders HTML parsers to retrieve the embedded jnlp links, in case you want to use the HTML page as Web Start's default app page, for example.

Q: How can I change the proxy configuration in javaws.cfg?

If you want to set the proxy setting to none, use


Note, that under Windows there are two javaws.cfg files. javaws.cfg can be in "\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws.cfg" which will get used for all users on that machine or it can be in the user's profile directory in ".javaws\javaws.cfg". Web Start's App Manager will put your settings in the user's profile, but you can actually put it in either.

Q: Why doesn't my app run under Web Start?

Note, that Web Start only ships jars to the user's desktop. You need to retrieve all your resources either from jars or over the network using HTTP.

To find out what holds back your app, you might follow these steps:

Check if you packed up everything your app needs into jars by trying to run it from the commandline without any classpath settings using the -jar switch. Example:

java -jar myapp.jar

Try to fire up your app with Web Start using a file:/// codebase in your jnlp file. Using file:/// spares you from uploading your jars and setting up your own web server. Example:

<jnlp href="myapp.jnlp" codebase ="file:///c:/sandbox/myapp/startup" >

Now you are almost there. If Web Start cries "Resource Not Found" when trying to download your jnlp file or jars check if your web server's jnlp MIME types are set up correctly. You can check up on your web server by using telnet and sending a GET request to your web server. See "Web Start returns a Bad MIME Type error. What's wrong?" for details.

If your web server's mime types are setup correctly and Web Start still refuses to start up your app , you need to figure out your proxy settings.

Q: Why can't I start Web Start's app manager under Windows? Why does the app manager's preferences dialog fail to appear?

This might be a proxy issue. Try to turn off your proxy by putting


in your javaws.cfg file and see if it Web Start's app manager shows up.

Web Start checks your Windows registry to find out your browser's proxy settings.

You can extract com.sun.javaws.proxy.WinInternetProxy from javaws.jar and run Cygwin strings on it to find out what keys Web Start is looking for. If you're on a different platform, try a similar hack with whatever com.sun.javaws.proxy class shows up in your stack trace.

Here are the registry keys for Internet Explorer:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings

If you upgraded to Internet Explorer 5, Internet Explorer 4 might have left bind bad values in AutoConfigURL. Delete AutoConfigURL and see if it makes a difference.

Q: Why doesn't Web Start reprompt for proxy logins?

Q: When I start my app and enter a wrong password in the proxy login dialog poped up by Web Start my app starts. However, whenever I use HttpUrlConnection and read the response an exception gets thrown saying "too many server directs".

Why doesn't Web Start pop up the dialog again if the password to the proxy was wrong? How can I tell Web Start to popup up the dialog again without rebooting the app?

A: I downloaded the Web Start source code. Web Start's proxy login dialog (aka JAuthenticator) gives you one shot to type in your right password. If you get it wrong, Web Start won't reprompt for another try.

Q: Can Web Start handle multiple XML parsers at once?

Web Start uses JAXP for parsing XML. I want to use Xerces 1.1.3. However, xerces.jar includes newer DOM classes that conflict with the older DOM classes shipped with Web Start. I also use SOAP which depends on newer DOM classes as well. When my app makes a SOAP call that uses a method available only in the newer DOM classes, Java's runtime throws a NoSuchMethodError because it is using the older DOM classes from jaxp.jar rather than the newer ones from xerces.jar.

Shouldn't Web Start use a separate ClassLoader to isolate my app's jars from Web Start's own to avoid class loading conflicts?

I face a similar problem. The following line throws ClassNotFoundException:


I can work around the multiple xml parser conflict by placing the XML jars (xerces.jar and xml4j.jar) in the runtime's lib/ext directory. This works for internal testing, but is not much use otherwise.

I've hit the same dead end using Web Start 1.0.1 under Mac OS X 10.1.

Web Start's jar (javaws.jar) contains what seems to be a dumbed-down version of the minimum XML parsing needed to interpret jnlp files.

Unfortunately, it's inadequate for my needs that require Xerces 1.4.3. Web Start's built-in XML package lacks (among many others) Document.importNode(), alas. NoSuchMethod errors abound. Sigh.

I'm going to experiment with custom class loaders to see if I can find a workaround.

If you want to use a specific XML parser bundled with your app, instead of whatever XML parser happens to get picked up by JAXP, you can set the property javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory in your JNLP startup file. Example:

  <j2se version="1.3"/>
  <jar href="xerces-1.4.3.jar"/>
  <property name="javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory" 

Q: How do I know that jardiff is working?

To make jardiff work you need to add version attributes to your <jar> tags in your jnlp startup file. Example:

<jar href="/jars/AccentVic.jar"  version="1.1"/>

On the server you need to use Sun's JnlpDownloadServlet to let it handle Web Start requests for your jars as a plain Web Server won't suffice. You can get JnlpDownloadServlet for free by downloading Sun's JNLP developer's pack third-party link.

You also need to tell Sun's JnlpDownloadServlet what version a jar belongs to. You can use either a name mangling convention that adds the version directly to your jar's filename (e.g. AccentVic__V1.1.jar) or add versions entries to version.xml in the directory holding your jars.

To check if everything works turn on JnlpDownloadServlet's debug log. Add two init parameters to JnlpDownloadServelt's config file. Example:

logPath=<log file name>

After a Web Start request you should find something like below in your servlet log file:

JnlpDownloadServlet(3): Resource returned: /jars/AccentVic1.jar
JnlpDownloadServlet(3): Generating JarDiff for Accent70Vic.jar 1.0->1.1
JnlpDownloadServlet(4): Generating Jardiff between 
    /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/Accent/WebApp/jars/Accent70Vic.jar and 
    /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/Accent/WebApp/jars/AccentVic1.jar Store in 
JnlpDownloadServlet(4): JarDiff generation succeeded
JnlpDownloadServlet(3): JarDiff returned for request

This tells you that JnlpDownloadServlet just dished out a jardiff and everything works as advertised.

Q: How can I install Web Start on Unix as root once for all users?

Brett Humphreys solved the puzzle. Web Start updates the current users' .mime.types and .mailcap files. However, if you install Web Start as root (that is, once for all users), it won't update netscape's global files, so you have to do it yourself.

Here are Brett Humphreys's distilled instructions to register Web Start as Netscape's helper app for JNLP mime types as root once for all users.

Follow Web Start's install instructions, including

  1. Downloading the zip file for Solaris
  2. Unzipping the zip file to a logical global install directory (e.g. /usr/local)
  3. run the install.sh script to install

One of the last messages the install script spits out is:

Updating ~/.mailcap...
Updating ~/.mime.types...

This updates the MIME types and mailcap files for the current user only; use the instructions below to update them for all users.

These instructions assume /opt/NSCPcom as Netscape's install directory. To find out where Netscape hides on your machine, type:

which netscape

This should reveal a directory path telling you where Netscape's executable hangs out, for example:


As root, open the file /opt/NSCPcom/etc/mailcap (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap on Linux) and append the line below to register Web Start as Netscape's helper app for JNLP's mime type:

application/x-java-jnlp-file; /export/home/bretth/javaws/javaws

/export/home/bretth/javaws/javaws tells Netscape where the Web Start executable hangs out. If Web Start frequents a different directory on your machine, change it accordingly. Save your changes and close the file.

As root, open the file /opt/NSCPcom/etc/mime.types (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types on Linux) and append the line below:

type=application/x-java-jnlp-file desc="Java Web Start"

Close any running Netscape browser windows and restart it to kick start Web Start apps.

Q: Why does Web Start use two javaws.cfg files?

Web Start uses two javaws.cfg files.

The first one resides in Web Start's installation directory and holds the initial settings (mainly the location of Java runtimes available at installation time.)

The second one resides in the users "home" directory (whatever the system property user.home returns varies from Linux to Windows). This config file holds the user's configuration changes such as proxy settings, new or changed Java runtimes, logging, console, and other preferences.

Q: Why Can't Web Start Create Desktop Shortcuts?

Web Start uses the app's title stored in the jnlp startup file (e.g. <title>Venus Application Publisher<title>) to create the desktop shortcut. Make sure your app's title doesn't contain illegal characters (such as \ / : * ? " < > | ), otherwise you end up with the Web Start popup: "unable to create shortcut, try again later". Also check your title's length as too long titles cause problems as well (under Windope you can use up to 255 characters).

Q: How can I autoinstall Web Start?

Franklin Schmidt has done it using Internet Explorer and the Java Plug-In. See yourself at http://www.myquerytool.com/download/ third-party link.

Franklin Schmidt uses JavaScript to check if Web Start is installed. If it isn't, he links to a "automated Web Start install" page looking like this:

  <h1>Installing Java</h1>
     width="0" height="0"
    <PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="Redirect.class">
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet">
    <PARAM NAME="where_to_next" VALUE="/download/?a=b">
    You did not install Java.
    <p>Please use the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.

This magic HTML snippet installs the Java Plug-In plus Web Start. Once installed it runs the "Redirect" applet below taking the user back to the download page.

public class Redirect extends Applet 
  public void start() 
        new URL(getCodeBase(),getParameter("where_to_next")) );
    catch(MalformedURLException e) 
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

Sun has added autoinstall to Web Start 1.2 for Windows upcoming in fall 2002 (betas expected this summer) with Java 1.4.1 (aka Hopper).

Q: What autodownloadable Java Runtimes does Sun offer?

Sun offers:

Source: http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/developers.html#auto third-party link

Sun has not yet posted Java bundles for 1.4 or even 1.3.1 on their site. To lobby Sun cast your vote at Sun's bug parade at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4638667.html third-party link

Q: How can I change the splash screen?

Web Start uses two splash screens. A mini splash screen (miniSplash.jpg) that pops up before Web Start kicks off the Java runtime and gets torn down once the Java runtime takes over. A progress splash screen that tells you what Web Start is up to (downloading, checking for updates, checking signatures, etc.) and what app is about to popup on on your desktop.

You can turn off the mini splash screen using the javaws.cfg.showSplashScreen setting in the Web Start configuration (javaws.cfg). See "How can I turn off Web Start's splash screen?" for details.

Using brute force, you can sneak in your very own splash screen by overwritting Sun's miniSplash.jpg image.

Starting with Web Start 1.2 and greater you can now choose your own mini splash screen image in your app's XML startup file using the <icon> tag. Example:

<icon kind="splash" href="venus.gif" />

Note, however, that Web Start will frame your image on the first start up. For all following startups Web Start will popup the freshly minted splash screen showing off your very own image.

Also note that the Web Start Jukebox (that is, Application Manager) uses its own splash screen (splash.jpg).

Q: How can I turn off Web Start's splash screen?

The Splash Screen Firewall Dead-Lock. If your firewall forbids opening connections on random ports, Web Start likely gets stuck in an endless loop trying to get through to the splash screen server.

To keep you entertained while the Java runtime starts offs Web Start kicks off a tiny, turbo-charged, non-Java, native app (splash.exe) that pops up a splash screen in an instant. Once the Java runtime is up and running Web Start tells the splash screen to shutdown. The magic works because the tiny splash screen app is a full-blown TCP server listening on a random port waiting for the shutdown signal.

To avoid this dead-lock scenario, turn off the splash screen by adding javaws.cfg.showSplashScreen=false to your Web Start configuration (javaws.cfg).

If Web Start still hangs, dive into the Windows registry and change the .jnlp file type setting by adding the extra -Xnosplash switch for launching (for example "C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws.exe" "-Xnosplash" "%1").

Web Start 1.2 Update. jdunnick reports: In a fresh Web Start 1.2 install, there appears to be no more splash.exe and the javaws.cfg.showSplashScreen and -Xnosplash properties no longer work. I guess it all changed when Sun added custom splash screens.

Q: How can I create a shortcut on the first launch?

By default Web Start pops the desktop-shortcut-icon-creation question on the second launch.

If you want Web Start to pop the question on the first launch, use the Web Start Wurlitzer (that is, the Application Manager) to adjust the setting. Note, you can also choose "always create shortcuts" or "never install shortcuts".

You can also adjust the desktop-shortcut-icon-creation setting directly in the Web Start configuration (javaws.cfg) instead of klicking around in the wurlitzer. Use the javaws.whenInstall property and set the value to your liking: 0 - Always; 1 - Ask on first startup; 2 - Ask on second startup; 3 - Never. Example:


Q: How can I auto-download an international Java runtime?

Web Start passes your computer's locale (that is, language and country code, for example en_US or de_AT) to Sun's auto-download servlet. For en_US locales Sun's servlet dishes out the US English version, for all other locales Sun's servlet dishes out the international version.

Note, that you can only download an international version if you set the locale on your machine to something other than US English (en_US). No magic product version string in the JNLP startup file exists to get you an international version for a US English locale or a US version for a non-US locale from the Sun site.

Note, also that Web Start will not even contact Sun's auto-download servlet if your app requires an international version when your computer already has an US version installed.

As a workaround you can roll your own Java runtime installer that dishes out a international version no matter what locale Web Start sends over. Use a Java runtime product version to request an international version. Example:

<j2se version="1.4+" href="http://cloud7.org/autodl/j2se-int" />

Q: What's the best way to move my Web Start apps to a different server?

If you move your Web Start app to a different server (that is, different codebase in Web Start parlance), your users will likely end up ruminating why they now have two identical icons for your wonderful app on their desktop and how they differ.

To help your user differentiate your apps hosted on the old server (e.g. cloud7.com) from your apps hosted on the new server (e.g cloud8.com), use a different title and description in your JNLP startup file (for example, use "Whack-A-Bill @ Cloud Seven " and "Whack-A-Bill @ Cloud Eight" instead of just "Whack-A-Bill" for both.)

Tell your users to fire off the Web Start Jukebox (that is, application manager in Web Start parlance) and delete your old tune from the playlist (that is, downloaded apps or favorite apps).

Note, if you delete your app from the playlist, Web Start won't clean up its cache and throw out the junk (that is, the now orphanded jars, icons, and so on), instead Web Start leaves the cache surgery up to you. Open up the hood (that is, the Web Start cache directory e.g. c:/java/jws/v101/.javaws/cache) and delete the branch in the directory tree that holds your old app parts (e.g.http/Dwww.cloud7.com/P80/DMapps translating to http://www.cloud7.com:80/apps).

HTTP Redirects. Note, you can also use HTTP redirects such as 301 Moved Permanently or 307 Moved Temporarily.

Q: How can I install Web Start with a single click using the ActiveX auto-installer from an Intranet?

  CLASSID="clsid:5852F5ED-8BF4-11D4-A245-0080C6F74284" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0>
  <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet">
  <PARAM NAME="app"  VALUE="http://<yourhost>/<yourapp>.jnlp">
  <PARAM NAME="back" VALUE="true">
    You did not install Java.
    Please use the Back button to return to the previous page.

For more info check out:

Q: How can I install a Java Runtime plus Web Start with a single click using the ActiveX auto-installer?

Web Start 1.2 Update. If you use the standard codebase (printed in the Dev Guide), that is,


the Windows ActiveX auto-installer will only install Web Start (without a Java Runtime) and will configure it using already installed Java runtimes. If the auto-installer finds no Java runtime on your machine, you will end up with the error below:

Bad installation: Error invoking Java VM(SysExec) bin\javaw.exe.

To install Web Start plus a Java Runtime you need to use a different cabinet (.cab). Use


to install the Java Runtime 1.4.1 plus Web Start, for example.

mswanson posted a complete HTML auto-download skeleton and comments "This installs the Java Runtime 1.4.1 AND Web Start 1.2 AND launches our Web Start app. Fantastic."

      CLASSID="clsid:5852F5ED-8BF4-11D4-A245-0080C6F74284" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0>
      <PARAM NAME="app" VALUE="http://x.y.com/sw/ScheduleWorld.jnlp">
      <PARAM NAME="back" VALUE="true">
      <!-- Alternate HTML 4 browsers that can't instantiate the object -->
      <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/javawebstart-platform.sh?">Download Java Web Start</A>

Q: How does Web Start check for updates? What's up with forceUpdate?

rustycng wonders: Does anyone know how Web Start checks for updates? I'm wondering if breaking a few big jars in more smaller jars speeds up or slows down version checking?

The oracle speaks: (Using basic protocol) Web Start sends out an HTTP HEAD request for every jar in your app's XML startup file to check the timestamps of the latest and greatest jars stored on the server against the jars stored in your Web Start cache. Thus, breaking your app into more jars results in more HTTP HEAD requests and may slow down the initial update check.

Note, that if you include the <offline-allowed> tag, Web Start will turbo charge your app from the cache while running the timestamp checks in the background (even if you're online).

The oracle speaks again: When launching an app (even with <allow-offline> in the XML startup file), Web Start kicks off a thread to check the timestamps (or version id's if using the version protocol). If Web Start can find the answer quickly (that is, within 1+1/2 seconds by default), or if the XML startup file doesn't include <allow-offline> (thus, requiring online use), the check will complete and Web Start downloads all updated jars before launching the app.

However, if the XML startup file includes <allow-offline> and the update check times out, Web Start will launch the app from the cache while the thread continues to check for updates in the background.

If the background update check thread finds fresh jars, it will set default.forceUpdate to true (in the app's property file stored in the Web Start cache (e.g. ALvenus.jnlp)) to force Web Start to update the app the next time you run it again.

Resource Loading

Q: How can I load resources from a jar?

Check out my resource loading tutorial. You can find it at http://www.vamphq.com/tutorial.html.

Q: How can I load resources specified in a property file?

Use the class:// URL protocol as you can't use absolute or relative file paths. For a detailed explanation check out Rachel, an open-source Resource Loading Toolkit for JNLP/Web Start. It ships with user docs and examples. Note, that your apps will also work without Web Start. You can find Rachel at http://rachel.sourceforge.net third-party link

Q: Can I change my apps look and feel?

Yes, you can. However, there are some limitations and workarounds you should be aware of. Check out the following bug reports:

Here is the code fragment for switching to the Kunstoff look and feel:

  com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel kunststoffLF
    = new  com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel();
  kunststoffLF.setCurrentTheme( new com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffTheme() );
  UIManager.setLookAndFeel( kunststoffLF );
catch ( javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException x )
   // handle exception

// make Web Start happy
// see http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4155617.html
UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put( "ClassLoader", getClass().getClassLoader()  );

I am not sure, if this is a workaround to something that should work by itself.

Q: How can I load Skin Look and Feel themes from a jar?

Use the class:// URL protocol. Example:

URL themepack = new URL( "class://ThemeAnchor/skinlf/themes/modern.zip" );
Skin skin = SkinLookAndFeel.loadThemePack( themepack );

For a detailed explanation check out Rachel, an open-source Resource Loading Toolkit for JNLP/Web Start. It ships with user docs and examples. You can find Rachel at http://rachel.sourceforge.net third-party link. In case you don't know SkinLF, you can find out more at http://www.l2fprod.com third-party link.

Q: How can I reference a Java Help helpset?

Note, that you cannot use absolute or relative file paths. Instead pack your helpset in a jar and use the resource anchor trick to reference it. See the Resource Loading Tutorial for details. Here is a code snippet that loads a helpset:

public class HelpSetResourceAnchor
   // do nothing; add it to the jar with all your helpsets

public class HelloHelp extends JFrame
  JHelp   _browser;
  HelpSet _helpset;

  public HelloHelp( String topic_id )
     // use resource anchor trick to reference helpset
     ClassLoader cl = HelpSetResourceAnchor.class.getClassLoader();
     URL url = cl.getResource( "hello.hs" );
     _helpset = new HelpSet( cl, url );

     _browser = new JHelp( _helpset );

     getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout());
     getContentPane().add( _browser);

     setSize(500, 600);
     setLocation(0, 0);
     setTitle( "Hello Help");

     showHelp( topic_id );

  catch (Exception ex)
     System.out.println("*** error: " + ex.toString() );

public void showHelp( String topic_id )

   if( topic_id.equals( "" ) )
      topic_id = _helpset.getHomeID();

   _browser.setCurrentID( topic_id );
  catch (Exception ex)
     System.out.println("*** error: " + ex.toString() );

Q: How can I list all resources in a jar?

Java doesn't currently support a method to list all resources in a jar. You can only retrieve one resource at a time.

What you can do, however, is create your own index page and retrieve it from your jar so you know what treasures it holds. Here is an example how an index page looks like. Feel free to invent your own format:


Q: Can I use my own custom ClassLoader?

Yes, you can. Note, that Web Start uses its own class loader. If you want to delegate class loading from your class loader to Web Start's class loader use:

ClassLoader wcl = Tool.class.getClassLoader();
URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls, wcl);

Where Tool.class is a class loaded by Web Start's own class loader (e.g. your entry point class holding main() packed up in a jar listed in your JNLP startup file).

Don't use ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() as a delegate, e.g.

ClassLoader scl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
URLClassLoader cl = new URLCLassLoader(urls, scl);

unless you want to exclude all jars listed in your JNLP startup files from the search path. Note, that if you don't pass in a parent class loader (aka delegate) to your own custom class loader Java will automatically pick the system class loader as your custom class loader's delegate.

As an alternative you can set your own URLClassLoader as the context class loader for the event dispatch thread (aka Swing GUI thread) at the beginning of your app. Example:

public static void main(String[] args)
  ClassLoader wcl = Tool.class.getClassLoader();
  URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls, wcl);
    EventQueue eq = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
    eq.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
  catch (Exception e)

If you want that Web Start downloads, caches and updates your jars but doesn't load them, you can add your jars to a jar that's listed in your JNLP startup file. Example:

Contents of plugins.jar:
  PlugInAnchor.class  // one class need for identification

You can use your own class loader (based on URLClassLoader) to load the classes packed up in the jar's jar according to your own policies.

Note, that if you load classes with your own ClassLoader, you should also install your own SecurityManager (or none) by calling System.setSecurityManager( null ), otherwise you might run into security access violations even if you signed all your jars. Web Start's built-in security manager only assigns all permissions to the classes loaded by its own JNLPClassLoader.

iceryx reports: The classes I loaded with my own URLClassLoader didn't have the same permissions as the classes loaded directly through Web Start. So I included my own policy file in a jar to grant java.security.AllPermissions to all codebases. Then in my main class, I wrote:

URL policyUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("my.java.policy");

This fixed it. I guess that when you give "all-permissions" to your Web Start app, it assigns java.security.AllPermissions only to code loaded from the Web Start codebase, but not to code from other codebases. Changing the policy widened this permission to everything.

As another alternative you can also write your own Policy subclass permitting everything and then call Policy.setPolicy() to turn it on.

Q: Why do I get a class loading error when turning off the Web Start debug console?

Java 1.4 Update. Q: In my Web Start app I create an XMLReader using:

XMLReader r = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser" );

Everything works under Java 1.3.1, but starting with Java 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 the class loading fails. If I turn on the Web Start debug console, everthing works again. But if I turn off the Web Start debug console, Web Start can't load the class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser anymore. What's going on?

A: Bug #4665132 (fixed in Java 1.4.2) may cause your trouble. In Java 1.4 and greater, if no window is shown for a while (frequently on startup when the console is not on) the Java runtime will dispose the AWT EventQueue plus the EventDispatchThread, and later create a new queue and event thread when a window gets a message. However, when the runtime creates a new EventDispatchThread it sets the wrong ContextClassLoader for Web Start, thus breaking your code.

If this bug bites you, you can add a windowOpened event handler to your main window to reset the correct ContextClassLoader as a workaround. Example:

windowOpened(WindowEvent e) 

As an act of despairation you can also side-step the dynamic class loading bug by hard-coding your SAXParser. Example. Use

XMLReader r = new org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser();

instead of

XMLReader r = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader( "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser" );

Q: I am developing a small Web Start distributed app using JBoss 3.0.2 as a backend. Everything works fine until I turn off the Web Start debug console and I end up with the exception below. If I turn on the debug console again, everything works fine again. What's going on?

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: 
Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory

A: loretian reports: The AWT event dispatch thread uses the wrong class loader. Before your event handler code does anything set the correct ContextClassLoader. Example:

Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( yourClass.class.getClassLoader() );

That fixed it for us.

JNLP Descriptor (aka Start-Up File)

Q: Why can't Web Start find my main class?

Make sure your main class is the first jar listed in the resources section. As an alternative you can set the jar's main attribute. (See JNLP Tag Reference for details.) Example:

<jar href="lib/mailicep.jar" main="true" />

Q: How can I specify a relative codebase in the JNLP descriptor?

Use Sun's jnlp-servlet that is part of Sun's Web Start developer's pack. It allows you to set jnlp.codebase to $$codebase and jnlp.href to $$name. Sun's jnlp-servlet will replace $$codebase and $$name with the correct values at run-time. Sun's jnlp-servlet also supports different versions of the same file and jar diffs (aka incremental updates).

A more light-weight approach is to rewrite your JNLP as a JSP. This allows you to put the JNLP file on any JSP-enabled host you want. Note that both codebase and href in the example below are pulled from the request and are not hard-coded.

<%@ page
 info="My JNLP"

 StringBuffer codebaseBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 codebaseBuffer.append(!request.isSecure() ? "http://" : "https://");
 if (request.getServerPort() != (!request.isSecure() ? 80 : 443))

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+"
      codebase="<%= codebaseBuffer.toString() %>"
      href="<%= request.getRequestURI() %>">

Note, that you can do the same in Perl, PHP or whatever CGI scripting language you prefer.

Q: How can I pass in arguments to my app using a HTML hyperlink?

One trick is to make sure not to include the href attribute in the JNLP file that your cgi-script sends back to Web Start. This will tell Web Start to disable the update check on JNLP files, and Web Start will not treat each new JNLP file as an application update - only updated jar files will.

This trick gives you complete freedom in what your URL looks like. Example:

<a href=

This trick, however, has some limitations. Because Web Start will not cache the startup file (aka JNLP descriptor), you cannot run your app offline or through Web Start's app manager.

If you want to include a href attribute in your startup file (aka JNLP descriptor) , read on.

For a live real-world example check out Java Zoom's (MP3 music player with Winamp skins) online JNLP configuration service at http://www.javazoom.net/jlgui/jnlp_configurator.jsp third-party link

There is a limit to what you can do with dynamically generated JNLP files. The combination of codebase and href must exactly specify the JNLP resource that you are retrieving. If you're using a servlet with parameters in a query string to generate the file, it should look like this:

<jnlp spec="1.0+"

As long as the MIME type returned by the servlet is application/x-java-jnlp-file, Web Start will start just fine. Unfortunately, Web Start will then bomb badly because it tries to use the href attribute as part of the file name for saving the file, and Windows at least doesn't like question marks in a file name. A workaround is to replace the query string with path values:

<jnlp spec="1.0+"

I'm not 100% sure that this will work with the '=' sign as my application needed only one parameter so I dispensed with the paramN=valueN and replaced the directory with valueN only. The point is, though, that each and every time the application is launched Web Start will go to the web server to get the latest copy of the JNLP and the only way I have found to dynamically generate the content is to append the necessary parameters as path names after the script (JSP in my case, servlet in your case).

If you have multiple parameters and the '=' sign is a problem, strip out the parameter name and require that the parameters be specified in the same order each time. Use one directory delimiter per parameter.

You can use request.getPathInfo() to retrieve the path after your servlet.

Micheal Mandel has posted a servlet that can replace the four macros below in your JNLP startup file.

Macro Description
$$codebase same as Sun's JnlpDownloadServlet macro
$$href same as Sun's JnlpDownloadServlet macro
$$title allows you to dynamically change the app's title - the servlet checks if a parameter in the request URL matches a key for a title defined in the servlet's web.xml config file
$$properties allows you to dynamically add arguments through properties; the servlet adds the request URLs query string parameters as properties to your JNLP startup file (if parse.querystring in the servlet's web.xml config file is set to true)

Macro Usage Example:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="$$codebase" href="$$href">



    <j2se version="1.4+ 1.3+"/>
    <jar href="myapp.jar"/>

  <application-desc main-class="MyApp"/>


You can find Micheal Mandel servlet's source in the appendix.

Q: What values can I use for os and arch?

You can find a list of os and arch values at http://www.vamphq.com/os.html

Q: Can I use native libraries for my apps?

Yes, you can.

To roll a jar with native libs, put all your native libs in the topmost directory ("/"). This results in a flat jar, that is, a jar with no subdirectories except for MANIFEST that carries all that administrative stuff like entry method and cryptographic hashes.

Adding your native libs to the jnlp is not sufficant. You also need to load the libraries in your java code as demanded by the jnlp spec:

It is up to the launched application to actually cause the loading of the library (i.e., by calling System.loadLibrary). Each entry must contain a platform-dependent shared library with the correct naming convention, e.g., *.dll on Windows, or lib*.so on Solaris.

Here is Marc's Java 3D example from Marc's Web Start Kamasutra third-party link post.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
  // Note, that Web Start needs explicit native lib loading
  String os = System.getProperty( "os.name" );
  System.out.println("loading " + os + " native libraries ..");
  if( os.startsWith( "Windows" ) )
    // Note, that order matters here
    // load those libs that are required by other libs first

    System.out.print( "j3daudio.dll .. " );
    // drop ".dll" suffix here
    System.loadLibrary( "j3daudio" );
    System.out.println( "OK" );

    System.out.print( "J3D.dll .. " );
    System.loadLibrary( "J3D" );
    System.out.println( "OK" );
  else if( os.equals( "Linux" ) )
    System.out.print( "libj3daudio.so .. " );
    // drop "lib" prefix and ".so" suffix
    System.loadLibrary( "j3daudio" );
    System.out.println( "OK" );

    System.out.print( "libJ3D.so .. " );
    System.loadLibrary( "J3D" );
    System.out.println( "OK" );
   throw new Exception( "OS '" + os + "' not yet supported." );


Note, two things:

  1. Prefixes and suffixes of the native lib's name have to be removed for the System.loadLibrary call.
  2. Order matters. First pull in the lib with the least dependencies.

Circular Dependency - Known Bug

If you use two libs that depend on each other, your app won't take off no matter what operating system you try (e.g. Linux, Windows, etc.) and you will end up with an unsatisfied link error.

Example: If the lib romeo.dll uses a function in lib julia.dll and julia.dll uses a function in romeo.dll than they depend on each other. No matter which library you load first, e.g.:

System.loadLibrary( "romeo" );   System.loadLibrary( "julia" );
System.loadLibrary( "julia" );   System.loadLibrary( "romeo" );

it will fail. If you start off with System.loadLibrary( "romeo" ), Web Start's class loader will find the library romeo.dll and try to resolve all references. However, Web Start's class loader won't find the library julia.dll as System.loadLibray( "julia" ) hasn't been called yet and julia.dll resides in the Web Start cache under a mangled name and in a directory that is not included in the system path (that is, LD_LIBRARY for Linux or PATH for Windows). You can only break the cycle if you pass in both libraries at once (e.g. System.loadLibrary( new String[] { "romeo", "julia" } )). Unfortunately, this method doesn't exist yet and you're stuck with the circular dependency bug filed at: http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4491398.html third-party link

Marc van Woerkom suggests a brute-force workaround.

Step 1: Try out the workaround by hand

Step 2: Automate: Create an extension installer that

Q: Can I use my own URLs for downloading JREs?

Yes, Todd Dunst has tried it with IBM's Java runtime 1.3.0 and it works.

Dale Searle's posted the complete sample code for a custom Java Runtime Installer plus a servlet that handles the JNLP HTTP extension protocol. You can find Dale Searle's code reprinted in the appendix plus distilled instructions and comments.

According to the jnlp spec, section 6.4, Web Start uses the extension protocol to request JREs from the server. The jnlp spec tells you what HTTP request will result from a j2se version specification. Like

<j2se version="1.3"

leads to a

GET http://www.jrevendor.com/servlet/jreinstaller?
             version-id =1.3&known-platforms=1.2

request to the web server.

Here is Todd Dunst's distilled post:

On the web server you need a servlet (e.g. JREInstaller), PHP CGI script or whatever running that decodes the extra URL parameters (arch, locale, version-id, known-platforms) from Web Start's request and returns a JNLP file that describes how to download and start a Java extension installer (e.g. <installer-desc>) that installs the requested Java runtime.

Note, that you can't just return IBM's installer. Instead you have to write your own Java installer as Web Start's Extension Installer service can't handle native installers (.exe) but only works with Java installers.

In order to package the IBM JRE, I installed it to my local machine using IBM's Windows installer and then packed the complete JRE file structure in a single jar (this jar was approx. 17 MB).

Web Start downloads this jar along with another jar containing my custom JNLP installer app to the user's desktop. Web Start starts the JNLP installer app and the JNLP installer app unzips the jar containing IBM's JRE to a configurable directory and uses the JNLP Exension Installer service to to popup a progress dialog to keep the user informed. Finally, the JNLP installer app configures Web Start so that it can to use the newly installed Java runtime.

Once the installer has installed and configured the Java Runtime, control returns to Web Start which starts the app using your newly installed Java runtime. It's all automatic and completely transparenet to the user.

Do I need to sign any of the Jars?

The JRE installer app is no different than any other Web Start app. Therefore, you need to sign all jars to get permission to expand all JRE files on the user's hard drive.

Note, that you need sign the jar holding the compressed JRE as well. If you want to avoid signing all entries in the compressed JRE, you can add the compressed JRE to yet another Jar and sign it. This signs only the compressed JRE jar instead of all its entries.

How do you unpack the JRE Jar file?

Use Java's standard zip/jar classes (java.io.zip.*).

Where do I install the JRE to? How do I tell Web Start to use this newly installed JRE?

Use setJREInfo(platformVersion, jrePath) method of the ExtensionInstallerService.

The first argument (platformVersion) is the actual version of the JRE that you decided to install based on the extra URL parameters sent by Web Start to your JREInstaller servlet. As the requested JRE version may contain wildcards (e.g. <j2se version="1.3+"/>), only you know which JRE version your servlet decided to send back.

The second argument (jrePath) is the path to the JRE executable of your newly installed JRE. This argument consist of the base installation path, plus whatever additional path is necessary to get to the JRE executable. (For Windows, the path may be something like c:\program files\ibm\ibm-jre-1_3_0\bin\javaw.exe. You would build it as follows:

Q: Where can I find JNLP's DTD?

Sun has published JNLP's DTD in the appendix of JNLP's spec (JSR-58).

If you don't want to type it in, you can download a typed-in version at http://www.vamphq.com/download/jnlp-dtd-schema.txt download link

I also created an XML Schema for JNLP available for download at http://www.vamphq.com/download/jnlp-xml-schema.txt download link

To validate your JNLP file, you can use Vamp's validator, code-named Vanessa, that supports DTD, XML Schema, Relax and more. See http://www.vamphq.com/vanessa.html for details.

Q: Can I use Windows UNC names (aka shared network drives) in file:// URLs?

Yes, you can. Dale King figured it out.

If your app's files were in \\foobar\share\directory you would set the codebase URL to codebase="file:////foobar/share/directory".

You can use backslahes if you want, but forward slashes will work and allow you to copy it to Java code without requiring you to escape them. Note that you need four slashes between file: and the machine name.

Q: How can I add arguments to an installer?

An installer doesn't take in arguments, but you can pass on properties achieving the same effect; add properties to your installer's resources section.

Q: Why doesn't 1.3.1_03 work as a Java runtime platform version?

Platform vs. Product versions. Web Start differentiates between platform and product versions for Java runtimes. If you choose a vendor-specific product version such as 1.3.1_03 or 1.3.0_03 instead of a vendor-neutral platform version like 1.3, you always need to add a vendor-specific href (e.g. http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se for Sun) or else Web Start assumes 1.3.1_03 is a vendor-neutral platform version and won't find any matching Java runtimes.


<j2se version="1.3.0_03" /> <!-- wrong; non-existant platform version -->
<j2se version="1.3.0_03" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se" /> <!-- bingo -->

Q: What properties can I pass on to the Java runtime?

Aside from the documented Java runtime properties, Web Start knows some undocumented "magic" properties that it will pass on to the Java runtime before startup instead of adding them to the system property table after the Java runtime is up and running. These undocumented "magic" properties include:


<property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>

Note, hackers cannot abuse these undocumented "magic" properties to break out of the sandbox. Web Start only lets through properties that can cause no harm.

Q: How can I set properties for unsigned apps?

You can only set properties for untrusted/unsigned apps in the XML startup file if the property is "trusted". Currently trusted properties include:

In other words, if you want to pass your own property to your app prefix it with javaws, for example, use javaws.myproperty instead of myproperty.

Libraries (JSSE, JCE, JAAS, etc.)

Q: How can I use Web Start and JCE together?

JCE is part of the JDK 1.4 core and no longer a separate package and should work out-of-the-box.

Prior to JDK 1.4 you have to remove some roadblocks before JCE flies.

Don't despair. It can be done. Here are John Archer's and Adam Ramadan's success stories.

I have successfully used the Java Cryptography extension (JCE) in conjunction with Web Start.

I seem to remember there are two options for using extensions with JWS - either you install your extension permanently into the ext dir of the relevant jre, or you handle it instead by using an extension jnlp file. I did the latter and it works fine - you don't need to bother about directories or classpaths - Web Start takes care of everything for you.

Don't forget that you need to use a different extension jnlp for each set of jars that are signed with different certificates.

- John Archer

To use JCE you have to enable <all-permissions/> in the jnlp file and sign your application. However, since the JCE is signed with a different key, you need to sign Sun's jars as well, with the same key you're using with your Web Start app. As soon as I did that, no problems.

- Adam Ramadan

Here are John Archer's jnlp files and comments.

I'm now using the Web Start installer feature to copy local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar to the cache directory if they are not already there, prior to the main app starting. My main jnlp file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <jnlp spec="1.0+"
        <title>SPS Suite</title>
        <homepage href="http://www.metacompute.com/spssuite.htm"/>
        <description>SPS Suite Version 1.0</description>
        <description kind="short">SPS checking, viewing, and editing  tools</description>
        <icon href="images/head2_water.jpg"/>
        <j2se version="1.3+" maximum-heap-size="160m"/>
        <jar href="spssuite_1_0_15.jar"/>
        <extension name="Java Crypto" href="crypto.jnlp"/>
        <extension name="Install_SPS" href="install.jnlp"/>

The JCE stuff must go in a separate jnlp as it is signed by Sun. This file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <jnlp spec="1.0+"
       <title>Java Crypto</title>
       <vendor>Sun MicroSystems, Inc.</vendor>
      <jar href="jce1_2_1.jar"/>
      <jar href="sunjce_provider.jar"/>

So far so good. As mentioned above, the problem is that with JCE 1.2.1 there are two policy jar files (local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar) which must reside in the same directory as the JCE jars. If you include them as resources in the jnlp file, Web Start puts them in the right directory, but renames them as it does with all the cache files (e.g. RMUS_export_policy.jar), so they aren't found and you get a bunch of exceptions.

This is where the installer jnlp comes in. This basically copies these policy jars to the relevant cache directory before the application is run, so that they are there when the JCE looks for them. The installer jnlp looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <jnlp spec="1.0+"
      <title>SPS Installer</title>
      <icon href="images/head2_water.jpg"/>
      <j2se version="1.3" />
      <jar href="install.jar"/>
    <installer-desc main-class="SpsInstaller/Install"/>

Agnes Juhasz has posted the source for an installer to add the JCE policy files to your Java runtime. Fast-forward to the appendix for Agnes Juhasz's installer source code.

Note, that there are many more JCE libraries apart from Sun's JCE. Try an alternative open-source JCE library such as BouncyCastle, Cryptix, BeeCrypt or Forge and hope for less hassle.

Name Provider URL Comments
SunJCE Sun http://java.sun.com/ products/jce/index-12.html third-party link Sun's reference implementation
Cryptix The Cryptix Foundation http://www.cryptix.org/ third-party link UC Berkley License
Bouncy Castle Legion of Bouncycastle http://www.bouncycastle.org/ third-party link MIT License
BeeJCE, BeeCrypt Virtual Unlimited http://www.virtualunlimited.com/ products/beecrypt/ third-party link GNU LGPL
CDCStandard, CDCEC TU Darmstadt http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/ TI/Forschung/cdcProvider/overview.html third-party link GNU GPL/LGPL
Forge The Forge Group http://www.forge.com.au/ products/crypto/index.html third-party link Forge Public License
IAIK TU Graz http://jcewww.iaik.at/ third-party link closed-source payware, free for non-commercial use
JCSI Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC) http://security.dstc.edu.au/ projects/java/jcsi.html third-party link closed-source payware, free for non-commercial use
Crypto-J RSA Security http://www.rsasecurity.com/ products/bsafe/cryptoj.html third-party link closed-source payware
JProv Eracom http://www.eracom.com.au/ products/jprov.html third-party link closed-source payware
KeyTool Crypto Baltimore Technologies http://www.baltimore.com/ keytools/crypto/ third-party link closed-source payware
Phase Base Crypto Phaos Technology http://www.phaos.com/ e_security/prod_crypt.html third-party link closed-source payware

For an up-to-date JCE provider list check

Note, that starting with JDK 1.4 JCE libraries must be signed or else you end up with the exception below:

java.security.NoSuchProviderException: JCE cannot authenticate
     the provider <your provider here>

Currently only Sun's, IBM's and Bouncy Castle's JCE libraries are signed. Cryptix has already received Sun's signing key and should be available in a signed version shortly.

Q: How can I use Web Start and Comm API together?

If you use Sun's comm.jar, you are out of luck as Paul Lucassen's posting attests below. However, you can use serialio.com's Serial Port third-party link package as an out-of-the-box replacement for Sun's library as it works with Web Start as advertised. As an alternative you can also use IBM's Comm API third-party link which works wonderfully according to Jay Colson.

I have tried to get the Sun's Communications API to work with Web Start, but have failed in all attempts. I will describe what I have tried so far.

Sun's Comm API (2.0) requires three files to be available on the client machine: a jar (comm.jar), a dll (win32com.dll - I have so far only tried this under NT4.0) and a properties file (javax.comm.properties - containing the line Driver=com.sun.comm.Win32river) For a "standard" install, not using Web Start the jar goes into jre\lib, the dl into jre\bin and the prop file into jre\lib as well. This works fine. I can then access the chip card reader on COM2 without problems.

Now comes Web Start. I deploy comm.jar in the usual way. I pack win32com.dll into win32com.jar (in the `root' of this file as the spec says about loading native libs. Then at first I decided that the prop file should in principle also not be pre-installed on the client machine, so at first I naively packed it in the win32com.jar (either in the root or as lib/javax.comm.properties). When I do this I get a "NullPointerException: name can't be null" the first time the code tries to CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier("COM2").

I studied this carefully and after some debugging decided that probably the properties file was the problem. I came to this conclusion since my debugging code was able to load the classes from comm.jar without problems (by using the classloader obtained by this.getClass().getClassLoader), and to load the native library win32com.dll as well (by calling System.loadLibrary("win32com")).

The next step was to put the properties file on the client, in jre\lib. This dramatically changes the message I got: "NullPointerException: name can't be null while loading com.sun.comm.Win32Driver". Thus the properties file is found, but loading the driver failes for some 'name' is still null. Needless to say I attempted the same with a non-existent drivername, I then got "ClassNotFoundException: while loading <name of driverclass>"

Another attempt was made where the dll was in jre\bin and not deployed thru Web Start (only comm.jar was in the comm.jnlp extension file), giving the exact same result as above where the dll is deployed in a jar by Web Start.

So: I have the properties file where the API reads it, I have comm.jar where the API can find the com.sun.comm.Win32Driver.class (see the ClassNotFoundException if I change the name of the driver) and I have the dll in a place where a simple call to System.loadLibary() can load it (changing the name yields an Exception, I tried) -- but still no success.

This describes the attempts. Some more context: The app is deployed through a couple of signed JAR's (certificate signed by an official CA) that are listed in one jnlp. I have tried deploying the Comm API in the same .jnlp file and as an extension .jnlp file: no difference. (Probably no difference as all jar's are signed by the same ceritificate, comm.jar from Sun is not signed so I sign it with our own cert.)

- Paul

Here is Scott Hughes experience with RXTX an open-source library available for Linux as well as Win32 at http://www.rxtx.org third-party link.

I'm trying to get RXTX running on Win32. In the static initializer for CommPortIdentifier the code snippet below fails:

  CommDriver commdriver = (CommDriver)Class.forName(s1).newInstance();
catch(Throwable throwable)
  System.err.println( "Caught " + throwable + " while loading driver " + s1);

The error I get (which is virtually identical on both windows and linux) is:

Caught java.lang.NullPointerException: 
  name can't be null while loading driver com.sun.comm.Win32Driver

I tried writing my own serial driver that is just a wrapper for the Win32Driver and stored it in my signed jar. Then I get a ClassNotFoundException in CommPortIdentifier's static initializer.

I tried using reflection to instantiate and initialize both my wrapper driver and the win32 driver in the main method of my app, and it worked fine. However, when I go out to the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer, it fails.

My guess was that it could be that comm.jar wasn't signed, so it was a case of trusted code calling untrusted code which wanted to perform a protected operation. So, I signed comm.jar and included it in the download of my app and I get the same error.

I discovered a workaround. In the main app (in a class that resides in a signed, downloaded jar) try setting the SecurityManager to null before accessing the serial ports for the first time. At the top of your static void main method, just add:


This fixed the problem and my app works with RXTX on Linux and the Java Communications API on Windows.

Dale King found a workaround to use Sun's Java Comm API with Web Start. Here is Dale King's distilled posting:

The workaround uses the Comm API without the properties file by setting up the driver yourself. The contents of the properties file is usually a one-liner like:


that lists the class name of the operating system specific driver. Sun's Comm API sets up the driver automatically when the CommPortIdentifer class is loaded. But you can do it yourself. Example:

String driverName = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver";
CommDriver commDriver = (CommDriver)Class.forName( driverName ).newInstance();

Instead of hard-wiring the driver's class name you can add it as a property in your JNLP startup file.

Note that even after you set up the driver yourself, Sun's Comm API keeps checking if the property file exists by asking the security manager if it is deletable. On most machines without Sun's Comm API installed, the file name is null and the security manager throws an exception. To make it work turn off the security manager:

System.setSecurityManager( null );

moa has posted a patched version of Sun's comm.jar that works fine with Web Start. The patched version ignores the properties file and instead loads the driver using the system property javax.comm.properties.Driver that you can set in your JNLP startup file. The patch is available for download at http://www.host.dunlops.com/java/commws.jar third-party link

Q: How can I use Web Start and JAAS together?

JAAS is part of the JDK 1.4 core and no longer a separate package and should work out-of-the-box as Sun has fixed the class loading issue present in older JAAS versions prior to JDK 1.4.

Prior to JDK 1.4 JAAS has to be added to your app and you are up for a struggle to make it work. Using JAAS directly, to login to an ejb app server or whatever, is out of the question with Web Start on JDK 1.3 according to Sun:

The problem you got is due to JAAS 1.0 (jaas.jar) uses systemClassLoader to load classes that are defined in the JNLP app jar files, which should be loaded by the contextClassLoader instead. For more information on class loading with Web Start, look at:

The new JAAS that comes with JDK 1.4 fixed this problem, which uses contextClassLoader in their class.

A workaround is to use a SOAP servlet as a proxy for the app server and to define a SOAP xmlrpc api between your client and app server. Using SOAP has the advantage of getting through firewalls as SOAP is transported over HTTP. Use Web Start to install and start your SOAP Java client app.

Another workaround that only works for Intranets is to patch Web Start. Put the jaas.jar in the lib/ext directory of the JRE used by Web Start and add your own policy file. Obviously, this workaround is an act of desperation and not recommend for long term use.

Andy Armstrong maintains some JAAS plug-in modules (including Windows NT/2000 authentication) released under the GNU LGPL online at http://free.tagish.net/jaas/ third-party link.

Q: How can I use Web Start and JSSE together?

JSSE is part of the JDK 1.4 core and no longer a separate package and should work out-of-the-box.

Prior to JDK 1.4 you have to add JSSE to your app and tweak it to make it work. It should work as Gavin Everson's posting attests:

I work for a company that has a working app via Web Start that downloads jsse.jar, jh.jar, jcert.jar, jnet.jar all from the one jnlp file, you don't need to try to copy them to any spot on the client, Web Start handles them as needed, and the calls to import from within your code will all function as they should.

The following is a distilled version of a thread from Sun's Web Start forum. Don't blame me, if it doesn't work as I haven't tried it myself.

My jnlp file looks like this:

 <jnlp [...]>
      <jar href="myapp.jar"/>
      <jar href="jsse.jar"/>
      <jar href="jnet.jar"/>
      <jar href="jcert.jar"/>
    <application-desc [...]>

(All the jar's are signed with a self-issued certificate: when asked by Web Start, the user must trust it for the app to run). The app main method looks like:

 public static void main(String[] args)
     new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider() );



     URL myUrl = new URL("https://myserver.com");
   catch (MalformedURLException mue)

I've read somewhere that the setProperty-approach used above doesn't work for protocol handlers (instead one should use URLStreamHandlerFactory) Moreover, I suspect that the SSL engine would not find the truststore file I specify (which is bundled in the jar), since it does not seem to look for it in the classpath. In this particular case, however, the certificate used in the apps for https communications is the same as the one trusted by the user at the launching of the app. So:

Try setting up the SSL library like this:

  com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider p =
    new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider();
  URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new HttpsHandlerFactory());

That should solve the problem.

Could someone tell me where the HttpsHandlerFactory class is to be found. I am unable to see it in the JSSE library.

I have the following in place:

 URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( new URLStreamHandlerFactory() {
   public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(final String protocol)
     if(protocol != null && protocol.compareTo("https") == 0)
       return new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol.https.Handler();
     return null;

Q: How can I load my own keystore from the app's jar? The following code snippet from my SSL client app works when invoked from the command line with mykeystorefile in the same directory:

ks = KeyStore.getInstance( "JKS" );
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
InputStream keyStore = cl.getResourceAsStream( "mykeystorefile" );
ks.load( (InputStream)keyStore, "password" );

But fails with "SSL implementation not available" when I remove the keystore from the directory and try to load it from my app's jar.

Try using a slash in front of your keystore filename, then the Java runtime should load the keystore from the classpath (which contains your jar). Example:

InputStream keyStore = cl.getResourceAsStream("/mykeystorefile");

If you omit the slash, the Java runtime tries to load the keystore from the directory the calling class is located in.

Note, that -Djavax.net.ssl.truststore=xxx works only for keystores specifid by a path (that is, stored in stand-alone files). It fails for keystores packed up in jars.

Here is Dean Cording's code snippet that get SSL and HTTPS rolling with Web Start:

java.security.Security.addProvider( new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider() );

java.net.URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( new java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory() {
   public java.net.URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(final String protocol)
      if ("https".equals(protocol))
        return new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol.https.Handler();
      return null;

// This is a kludge to get JSSE to use Web Start's cacerts keystore

if( System.getProperty( "javawebstart.version" ) != null )
  System.setProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStore", System.getProperty( "jnlpx.home" )
    + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "cacerts");

  if( System.getProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword" ) == null )
     System.setProperty( "javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "changeit" );

Note, that you must either have your key signed by a built-in, factory-shipped certificate authority (e.g. Thwate) or install your public key into Web Start's cacerts keystore (which is separate from the Java runtime's cacerts keystore).

Q: How can I use Web Start and Java 3D together?

As an example app that uses Java 3D together with Web Start check out Masa Takatsuka's JBeanStudio app third-party link.

Check your JRE as Java 3D doesn't work with all JRE versions. When using JRE 1.3.0_02 (the JRE that is default for JBuilder 5) things won't work. You need at least JRE 1.3.0_03 on Windows. (JRE 1.3.0_03 comes with the full install of Web Start 1.0.1_01.)

For an excellent explanation of all the details check out Marc's Web Start Kamasutra third-party link.

Q: How can I connect to a database?

Note, that you cannot use Sun's JDBC ODBC Bridge driver because ODBC is only available for Windows and requires that you set up a data source name (DNS) on every machine.

Instead use a zero-admin 100 % Java JDBC driver (aka type 4 JDBC driver) that spares you from setting up an ODBC DNS on every machine. Try http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/ third-party link or http://www.thinweb.com/tw_products_twfreetds.html third-party link for MS SQL Server or try Sybase JConnect which is free as well.

Here is Ivan Ooi's post using Oracle's thin driver:

DriverManager.registerDriver( new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());

gu_app.dbCon = DriverManager.getConnection(
  "jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "DBA", "SQL" );

This is what I use in my code and I am able to connect to my office Oracle DB. My app's jars are not on my Oracle DB server's machine. DB server, web server and Web Start client reside all on different machines and it works.

- Ivan Ooi

PS: Note, that you need to sign Oracle's classes12.zip file as well because all jars in your jnlp must have the same certificate.

Note, that most databases contain sensible data and therefore do not allow arbitrary connections from nobodys.

In this case you can use servlets to extract whatever data you need from the database and send it (zipped) to your Web Start app. As your user never connects to your database directly, you can better protect your database from intruders.

Q: How can I use Web Start and RMI together?

Q: I am currently developing a Java game using RMI to make it networkable (squeezing both the server and client into the same app). Here is my puzzle:

In order to run an RMI server app, you must start the RMI naming service from the command line, for example:

start rmiregistry

java -

Is there any way around this (either in Web Start or via some other magic?)

A: Note, that you don't need to start the rmi registy because it is optional. If you need the registry you may start it and export your objects at runtime. Example:

LocateRegistry.createRegistry( PORT );
System.out.println( "Registry created" );
Naming.rebind("rmi://" + HOST_NAME + ":" + PORT
  + "/MyService", (MyServer) object);

Check out some RMI tutorials or how todos for further explanations.

Q: How do you hand over the policy file to your app?

java -Djava.security.policy=<path-to-policy-file> Client

How do you translate the pre-Web Start command line into jnlp?

A: You don't need a policy file. You can request all permissions for your Web Start app in the jnlp startup file using <all-permissions>.

I use a signed jar and when the user starts my app, Web Start pops up a security dialog begging the user to grant my app all permissions. So you don't need a policy file.

Q: Does it mean that I ignore the security manager? Do I need this line in my Web Start RMI client app?

System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() );

[Editor's Note: I do not understand what's going on here. I will clear this entry up once I get a chance to try it myself.]

Q: How can I configure the java.util.logging.LogManager under Web Start?

Java 1.4 Update. Q: I have a Web Start app that uses java.util.logging to display log messages to a Swing control on the screen. I've created my own handler class to log messages and I added it to the logging.properties file. All works fine when I run the app standalone from a jar without Web Start. However, once I use Web Start I run into several roadblocks:

First, Web Start seems to ignore the system properties java.util.logging.config.class and java.util.logging.config.file. I've added these two system properties to my XML startup file and when I check them in my main rountine I can see that they are set. However, the Java runtime appears to ignore my settings and uses the predefined LogManager configuration instead.

Second, if I force the LogManager to read a new configuration calling the readConfiguration( InputStream ) method, any classes (such as my handler) not residing on the system classpath at startup time cannot be found when the first log messages roll in. I guess the logging thread uses a different class loader than the application.

Does anyone know how I can configure LogManager to use my own handler?

A: The oracle speaks: Instead of passing on all properties to the Java runtime (that is, java.exe) with say -Dproperty=value Web Start sets all properties in the JNLPClassLoader after the Java runtime is up and running (but before your app gets loaded). The rationale is that allowing setting of arbitrary Java runtime properties is unsecure. Web Start only supports a hand-picked selection of properties considered "safe" for pass-through to the Java runtime command line (e.g. sun.java2d.noddraw). The logging properties are not yet part of this elite circle. Lobby Sun for membership.

Your second attempt fails because of a LogManager restriction: "Note that all classes loaded during LogManager configuration must be on the system class path. That includes the LogManager class, any config classes, and any handler classes." As a work around package your logging classes in a separate jar and roll a Web Start extension installer to install your logging jar in the Java runtime's lib/ext directory.

Security, Signing, Sandbox

Q: Can I use a secure socket (SSL) connection back to the host when my app runs in the sandbox?

No, you need to request all-permissions for you app.

Q: Does Web Start support SSL?

Yes Sir. Starting with the 1.2 series Web Start supports HTTPS in JNLP startup files (codebase, href, and so forth). Note, however, that Web Start must run on Java 1.4 or greater. Java runtimes prior to 1.4 lack the built-in HTTPS machinery that Web Start 1.2 or greater relies on.

If you use a certificate not signed by a pre-installed certificate authority (=root cert), you need to import both your cert and the root cert using Web Start (File > Preferences > Root Certificates) and then copy Web Start's keystore (e.g. c:\Program Files\Java Web Start\cacerts) over the Java Runtime's keystore (e.g. c:\Program Files\Java\v1.4.1\lib\security\cacerts). Web Start seems to use the Java Runtime's cacerts keystore but doesn't update it when you import new certs.

tfieldin reports: Until you place a valid certificate (that is, a certificate signed by a pre-installed cert authority such as Verisign or others) on your web server, you will keep getting javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException. Once I placed a valid certificate (bought from a cert authority) on the web server, Web Start downloaded all jars successfully without throwing any exceptions.

Web Start prior to 1.2 does not support HTTPS for downloading your app's jars from the web server. However, Web Start supports codesigning so you can be sure the jars are downloaded uncompromised.

Web Start also supports JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) for apps. Thus, apps can use JSSE to connect back to the web server using HTTPS.

Q: Why doesn't Web Start launch my signed application?

Signed applications won't work if Web Start itself (not your app) runs under 1.2.2. Web Start needs to run at least under 1.3. You can check what JRE Web Start picked up by opening your javaws.cfg config file in the Web Start installation directory (e.g. c:/java/jws/v101). Don't look in your home directory as this is a different config file although it has the same name. There is no GUI panel in Web Start to edit this file so you have to change it manually if Web Start happend to pick up a 1.2 JRE.

Rationale: You may be wondering why, right. My certificate is a RSA certificate from Thawte. The RSA algorithm is only supported under JRE 1.3. JRE 1.2 has no way to recognize the RSA encoded certificate.

Q: How can I turn off the sandbox?

If your app is signed, you can call System.setSecurityManager(null) to turn off the sandbox. If you get rid off the security manager, your app should speed up as it no longer goes through security layers. Don't expect miracles, though.

Q: How can I sign jars using Ant?

Use the signjar task:

<signjar jar="<yourjar.jar>"
         keypass="<key_password>" />

This assumes your key was already added to the keystore using the keytool tool.

If you package your jars in a Web Archive (.war), you can use Vamp's Ant Task Suite to sign your jars. You can find Vamp's Ant Task Suite at http://www.vamphq.com/ant.html

Q: Can I make Web Start use my own policy file?

Web Start doesn't allow you to use your own policy file.

A workaround that only works for Intranets is to patch Web Start. Change Web Start's default policy file to suit your needs or ditch it and create your very own.

Q: How can I use jars signed by someone else?

You can either sign them with your own certificate or if you want to leave them untouched you can put them in a separate jnlp file (aka extension) and use the vendor's signature.

Q: How can I sign jars?

You can read Sun Web Start Developer's Guide: Signing Jar Files with a Test Certificate third-party link to get started.

You can find more details in Appendix C: How to Sign Java Code: Section 6 - Signing Code with Sun's Java 2 in the free Securing Java book online at http://www.securingjava.com/appdx-c/appdx-c-6.html third-party link

philburk reports: I found out that you can use certifcates in the pkcs12 format directly as a keystore by jarsigner letting you skip the keytool import steps. I exported my certificate from Netscape using the security tool as a .p12 file. Then I pointed jarsigner at my pkcs12 file. Example:

jarsigner -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 MyClasses.jar keyname

You can find your keyname alias by entering:

keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12

Q: Which trusted root certificates ship with Web Start?

Web Start stores its trusted root certificates in the cacerts keystore. Use keytool -list -keystore cacerts to list all root certificates. Here's the condensed output from my machine:

Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 11 entries:


Use keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts for a verbose listing.

Q: How can I protect my code in jars?

You can use an obfuscator such as the open-source RetroGuard tool that strips all debug info leftovers such as (line number table, local variable table, source file, etc.) from your jars and renames your non-public (aka private) classes, methods and variables to meaningless names (mostly single letter names like a, b,c,aa,ab, etc.) As a side-effect your obfuscated jars usually shrinks by about a third in size (that is, 30%).

RetroLogic's RetroGuard resides online at http://retrologic.com/retroguard-main.html third-party link

Note, that renaming is the best protection available as it's like a one-way hash function that cannot be reversed.

In contrast, if you encrypt your jars and use your own custom classloader to decrypt your binary classes on the fly for the Java runtime's eyes only, your code is only sealed. Although you can use "unbreakable" cyphers you always need to pass along your classes unencrypted (that is, in plain binary format) to the Java runtime and, therefore, curious minds looking for your magic formula can always attach a debugger or use a fake Java runtime to grab the class bytes after they are decrypted without ever bothering to attack your "unbreakable" cyphers head-on.

For details about what's in the binary class format check out:

Q: Where can I find certificate authorities (CAs)?

Check out http://www.pki-page.org/ third-party link for an extensive listing.

Q: How can I install my own authenticator?

Starting with version 1.0.1_02 or greater you can stop Web Start from installing its own authenticator. Add the undocumented javaws.jauthenticator "magic" property to your JNLP startup file. Example:

<property name="javaws.jauthenticator" value="none" />

Q: Where can I get a free, zero-dollar Web Start key certificate?

You can sign up for a free, zero-Euro key certificate underwritten by Thwate Free Mail at http://www.thawte.com/getinfo/products/personal/join.html third-party link. Web Start includes the Thwate Free Mail certificate in its built-in certificate key ring.

Richard Dallaway wrote up all the steps (including all keytool commands):

Check out Richard Dallaway's "Java Web Start and Code Signing" hands-on, how-to paper (also available as a 4-page pdf booklet) at http://www.dallaway.com/acad/webstart/ third-party link for details.

Q: Do signed jars with a certificate that expired still work?


Here is a quote from the VeriSign Knowledge Base about Netscape Object Signing:

Q: After a signing certificate has expired, does the object continue to be trusted?

A: Signed objects are stored and used long-term, well after the certificates used for signing have expired. Although certificates expire, valid signatures do not. Signature validation is based on the date of the signature rather than the time verification occurs. If a certificate chain was valid at signing, Communicator will continue to recognize the signature even after certificates in that chain expire.

Voices from the Web Start forum trenches:

I have used Web Start for a while with a self-signed certificate and Web Start launches my apps without regard to the expiry date.

For example, when I start my app Web Start pops up the certificate dialog showing that the certificate expired two weeks ago, but when I click the Start button the app starts without a murmur. And from then on the app starts without any certificate popups.

When you signed your jars at a certain date, the certificate must be valid at that time not in the future. If you sign your jars, after the certificate expired, then it's wrong. The certificate is a prove that your jars have been signed at a precise time and not that the signature is valid for a certain time.

Most developer certificates expire after a year for no other reason than to fill the issuer's pocket.

Q: Unable to sign jar. How come?

When I try to sign a jar using jarsigner, I end up with the error below:

jarsigner: unable to sign jar: java.util.zip.ZipException: 
  invalid entry compressed size (expected 54386 but got 54949 bytes).

Unjar the jar causing the hickup into a temp directory, and delete the manifest files. Then rejar it and sign it.

Q: How can I remove a signature from a jar?

Use brute force: Unjar the jar into a temp directory, and delete the manifest files. Then rejar it.

Q: Do I need to sign all jars?

No, if a jar doesn't operate outside the sandbox, you can include it in a component extension where you don't ask for <all-permissions>.

Note, that each component extension (=library) can ask or not ask for <all-permissions>, and if it does, the set of jars in a XML startup file can be signed by the same or a different certificate chain than in the main XML startup file.

Q: Why does "Java Web Start Window" appear on top of my window on Unix?

The Web Start sandbox for unsigned apps doesn't include the permission: awt.showWindowWithoutWarning. Thus, unsigned/untrused apps running in the sandbox show a banner (on top on Unix, on bottom on Windows) on all top level windows. Signed applications with all-permissions will not show it. If you want the Unix warning moved to the bottom like on Windows cast your vote for Bug #4673898.

Q: Do unsigned apps work through a proxy?

The oracle speaks: Unsigned apps work fine thru a proxy. The sandbox permissions only allows opening a socket connection to the download host, but this does not mean that the underlying implementation in sun.net.protocol cannot use a proxy. We use proxys all the time (since we're behind a firewall) but we can access any unsigned app or application on the Net.

Note, however, that cookie style web page authentication or NTLM authentication doesn't work.

Java 1.4.2 Update. NTML authentication support is forthcoming Java 1.4.2 (=Mantis), see Bug #4626557.

Web Start Extensions

Q: How can I display a license agreement?

Web Start doesn't support the display of a license agreement out-of-the box. You have to do it yourself.

One way is to display the license in the browser before the download. If the user doesn't accept your license, she cannot download your app. If the user accepts your license, you set a cookie and the user can start downloading your app.

Q: Why can't Web Start do ...?

You can request or vote for new Web Start features at Sun's Bug Parade at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/ third-party link.

Some features under consideration include:

Don't expected any changes in the JNLP spec for the Java 1.4 series. All JNLP spec changes (2.0 ?) will show up in the upcoming Java 1.5 series (aka Tiger).

Note, in theory Web Start is not bound to a specific Java distro as it can upgrade itself and as it can download new Java runtimes and juggle various versions at the same time. However, in practice Sun seems to ship new Web Start versions only in synch with new Java versions (v1.4.1, v1.5).

Hopper (aka Java 1.4.1 - scheduled for Fall 2002)

Mantis (aka Java 1.4.2 - scheduled for Spring 2003)

Tiger (aka Java 1.5 - scheduled for Winter 2003)

If you think an important feature is missing in Web Start, you might not be the first one. Check out the Web Start 2.0 petition to see if your feature is listed. If your feature isn't listed, you are invited to send an e-mail to comments@vamphq.com to add it.

Upcoming Web Start 1.2 Features in Java 1.4.1 (aka Hopper)

For Developers

For Admins

AutoInstall Preview: Uses HTML object tag, e.g.:

  HEIGHT="96" WIDTH="192">
  <PARAM NAME="configuration"
         VALUE="http://deploy.com/global.cfg" />
  <PARAM NAME="application"
         VALUE="http://deploy.com/app.jnlp" />
  <!-- Alternate HTML for non-Internet Explorer browsers -->
  <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/jws-platform.sh?">
     Click here to download Web Start

For Users

(Source: JavaOne 2002 Talk: Web Start: Advanced Topics by Andrew Herrick and Steve Bohne)

J2EE Troubleshooting

Q: Can I use Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation EJBs?

It took some work, but I finally got an EJB client to work with Web Start. There are two problems:

  1. First, you must get your EJB client to work as a jar. This is tricky because there are two files (c:\j2sdkee1.3\config\ejb.properties and c:\j2sdkee1.3\config\security.properties) that the Sun J2EE classes must find below your local directory. In other words, if your EJB client jar is here c:\myproject\blah.jar, then you must have these files too (c:\myproject\config\ejb.properties, c:\myproject\config\security.properties).
  2. The second problem is that you gotta sign all your jars, as explained in Sun's Web Start Developer's Guide third-party link, and the client needs "all-permissions" as explained same place.

Q: How can I connect to Borland's AppServer?

The fact that you can't sign Borland jar files seems to be a deliberate design on the part of Borland; they effectively kill the jar and jarsigner tools by corrupting the checksum of one of the files. You have to use a command line tool like PKZIP 2.5 as follows:

rem Create a temporary directory.
md temp
cd temp
rem Unzip the jar file.
pkzip25 -nozip -dir -silent -extract ..\asrt.jar
rem Rejar the file, this time with the correct checksum.
jar cf ..\asrt.jar *
Remove the temporary directory.
cd ..
rd /s/q temp

You will need to do this for vbjorb.jar as well, after which you should be able to sign the jar files. Signing them is necessary because asrt.jar in particular violates all sorts of security restrictions during initialization.

If your EJB server is on your internal network, that's all you need to do; you should be able to bind to your objects without any further problems. If you're trying to run the EJB's across the Internet, there are probably half a dozen more steps, most of which involve configuring the Gatekeeper.

Q: How can I use JAAS and JBoss together with Web Start?

michaelyaakoby reports: I'm trying to launch a J2EE client (JBoss) using Web Start. I already figured out how to provide the security settings by publishing the auth.conf and app.policy files on the web server and by handing over the URLs with the java.security.policy and java.security.auth.login.config properties.

However, when the client tries to get hold of the EJB (using the home interface create() method, I end up with the exception below:

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied 
(java.lang.RuntimePermission org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation.getPrincipalInfo)

I signed all the jars I'm using and the XML startup file specifies <all-permission> (I also tried <j2ee-application-client-permissions>).

The app.policy I'm using is:

  permission java.security.AllPermission;

And the auth.conf is:

 org.jboss.security.srp.jaas.SRPLoginModule required

 org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule required

 // Put your login modules that work without jBoss here

 // jBoss LoginModule
 org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule required;

 // Put your login modules that need jBoss here

gremmee answers: I shipped the auth.conf file and the policy file to the client packed in the main jar in a seperate package so Web Start could find them. Example:

System.setProperty( "java.security.manager", "" );
System.setProperty( "java.security.policy", 
    <yourPackage>.frmMain.class.getResource( "<yourClient.policy>" ).toString() );
System.setProperty( "java.security.auth.login.config", 
    <yourPackage>.frmMain.class.getResource( "<yourAuth.conf>" ).toString() );
name     = aName;
password = aPassword;
  CallBackHandler handler = new CallBackHandler( aName );
  loginContext = new LoginContext( "<contextName>", handler );
catch( LoginException ex )
  PnLog.severe( "Login failed" );
  throw new RuntimeException( ex );

That solved it for me.

Q: What are the major EJB Class Loading Headaches?

Check the three major know bugs below:


Q: How can I debug apps under Web Start?

Here is a simple solution to debug your app under Web Start:

C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.0_02\bin\javaw.exe
-Xdebug -Dnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
"-Djnlpx.home=C:\Program Files\Java Web Start"
"-Djnlpx.jvm=C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.0_02\bin\javaw.exe"
"-Djava.security.policy=file:C:\Program Files\Java Web Start/javaws.policy"
-classpath "C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws.jar;
        C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws-l10n.jar"
com.sun.javaws.Main http://yourwebserver/your.jnlp

The basic idea in this frightening command line is to start Web Start yourself without the help of the native wrapper that hides all these juicy details. To make this work at your very own desktop you have to adjust the path settings accordingly and attach a debugger. The key is that


will make your app wait for a socket connection to port 8118 and you can now fire up a debugger that supports remote debugging and attach it to the VM via port 8118.

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I have developed a method for debugging Web Start apps. The code at the bottom of this message is a C++ Win32 console application that wraps around javaw.exe to pass in extra debugging parameters.

  1. Compile this file and and copy the jwsdebug.exe output file to the JDK bin directory (e.g. C:\jdk1.3.1\bin).
  2. Under "File | Preferences" in Web Start, select the "Java" tab and set the "Command" to point to the exe (e.g. C:\jdk1.3.1\bin\jwsdebug.exe).
  3. Create a configuration file with additional parameters to be passed to javaw.exe. This file has to be in the same directory as the executable and have the same name with .config instead of .exe as the extension (e.g. C:\jdk1.3.1\bin\jwsdebug.config). A sample file is shown below.
  4. Launch the JNLP file. Note: You cannot run more than one JNLP app and you cannot run the Web Start console at the same time. The Web Start console will also be run with the extra parameters which, in the example below, includes the debugger port number. You can't have more than one app listening on a single port.

If you want a pre-compiled binary and the sample configuration file, e-mail me directly (kdean@datadevelopment.com) and I'll send them along.

Example configuration file:


  #include <dir.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <fstream.h>
  #include <windows.h>

  // Compiled with C++Builder 5.0.

  int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    // Get the home directory.
    char homeDirectory[MAXPATH];
    strcpy(homeDirectory, argv[0]);
    *strrchr(homeDirectory, '\\') = '\0';

    // Get the application path with the .exe extension.
    char applicationPath[MAXPATH];
    strcpy(applicationPath, argv[0]);
    *strrchr(applicationPath, '.') = '\0';

    // Get the configuration file path.
    char configFilePath[MAXPATH];
    strcpy(configFilePath, applicationPath);
    strcat(configFilePath, ".config");

    // Rebuild the command line starting with javaw.exe in the same directory.
    char commandLine[4096];
    strcpy(commandLine, homeDirectory);
    strcat(commandLine, "\\javaw.exe");

    // Append parameters from configuration file.
    ifstream configF(configFilePath);
    if (configF.good())
      char param[512];
      while (configF.getline(param, sizeof(param)).good())
        strcat(commandLine, " \"");
        strcat(commandLine, param);
        strcat(commandLine, "\"");

    // Append original parameters.
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      strcat(commandLine, " \"");
      strcat(commandLine, argv[i]);
      strcat(commandLine, "\"");

    STARTUPINFO startupInfo;

    CreateProcess(NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL,
                   &startupInfo, &processInfo);
    return 0;

Marc van Woerkom has found out a bunch of undocumented debugging options. Turn on Web Start's console (File | Preferences | enhanced | enable console) and add the properties below to your JNLP startup file:

  <property name="javaws.debug.0" value="+TraceSecurity"/>    
  <property name="javaws.debug.1" value="+TraceCache"/>    
  <property name="javaws.debug.2" value="+TraceDiskCache"/>    
  <property name="javaws.debug.3" value="+TraceDownload"/>    
  <property name="javaws.debug.4" value="+TraceXMLParsing"/>  

Q: How can I find out if my app is running under Web Start?

There are several methods. Check for one of these system properties set by Web Start:

Property Example
javawebstart.version javaws-1.0.1-ea
jnlpx.heapsize NULL,NULL
jnlpx.home C:\JAVA\JWS\V101B
jnlpx.jvm C:\java\jbuilder\v4\jdk1.3\jre\bin\javaw.exe
jnlpx.remove true
jnlpx.splashport 1029

Another method is to check if JNLP services are present. Yet another method is adding your very own property to the JNLP descriptor and check if it is present.

Q: How can I prevent my app from being started twice?

One method is to open an obscure server socket port (e.g. 9876) when your app starts. If the port is already taken, your app is already running and you can shut it down or send a request to the running app or do something completly different. It's all up to you.

Q: How can I get the system's temp directory? getenv( "TEMP" ) doesn't work.

Use the system property java.io.tempdir.

Q: Where can I store config files on the user's disk?

The common practice nowadays is to store it under <user.home> (e.g c:/windows). Create a subdirectory under <user.home> for your app (e.g c:/windows/.venus) and store your config files there (e.g c:/windows/.venus/profile.xml).

If you are not interested in running your app offline and you want to get locked into Web Start, you can use Web Start Muffins to store a client ID on the user's disk and keep the rest on your server.

Q: How to share cookies/sessions between Web Start apps and servlets?

Sun's Wireless Dev Site features two articles on session tracking between servlets and wireless apps (aka MIDP midlets). You can cut and paste the code into your Web Start desktop apps almost without any changes.

paernoud posted some code snippets to show how to use a jsessionid cookie to share a session between a servlet and a Web Start app. Fast-forward to the appendix for the source code.

When a servlet uses sessions (e.g HttpServletRequest.getSession), it adds a special HTTP cookie containing a session ID. This cookie allows it to associate additional HTTP requests from that client (your Web Start app) as part of that session. The HTTP cookie header from a Tomcat servlet might look like this:

cookie: JSESSIONID=to1002mC0123456789at

Other servers would have slightly different cookies. I think that WebSphere would use cssessionid rather than JSESSIONID and its value would be somewhat different too. The trick to re-establish that session with future URLConnections is to add the HTTP cookie header back in each time.

How can I pass the session cookie to my Web Start app?

One way is to add the session ID dynamically to the JNLP file and hand it over to your Web Start app so that your Web Start app can add it to the HTTP header when it connects back to the servlet using HttpURLConnection.

How do I pick up the session cookie in my servlet?

Within the servlet it all depends on whether this is the first request of the session or a subsequent session. If it's a subsequent session, then it's easy; use HttpServletRequest.getCookies() or getHeaders("cookie"). If it's the first request, then there is some difficulty since the session has just been created and there's no request cookie yet; in this case, use getId() to fetch the ID string.

Unfortunately, unless you were able to do a getHeaders("cookie"), you need to come up with the name of the session ID cookie since it's not necessarily JSESSIONID as it is on Tomcat. The somewhat unsatisifactory way that I've found to get around this is to force the web server to always use JSESSIONID using some manual configuration. This has worked for me on WebSphere and iPlanet.

How do I add the session cookie to the HTTP header in my Web Start app?

Once you've done this, you have to synthesize the cookie on the client with something like:

http.setRequestProperty("cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + sessionId);

assuming an HttpURLConnection.

[Editor's Note: I don't pretend to understand what's going on here. I'm going to clear this entry up once I have a better understanding and tried it myself. For now, I leave it as it is in the hope that it is useful to you. ]

Q: How can I control Web Start's update policy?

  1. You could use a version based download instead of a basic download.
  2. Separate your app in two parts: the first part is a stable one with an eager download option, the second part is the one that changes from time to time with a lazy download option; and in the first part (of course, your main class is in the first part), you could use DownloadService to check the cache and do what ever you want.

Q: How can I start Web Start's app manager (aka Web Start Player) automatically at boot time/restart time?

Web Start's app manager is just a simple program javaws[.exe]. Put it wherever you put programs for startup on your OS (startup folder under Windows; script in one of the rc.d dirs under Unix)

Q: How can I start Web Start's app manager from a web page?

Sun uses the undocumented tag <player/>. To fire up Web Start's app manager from a web page add a standard HTML link. Example:

<a href="http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/apps/player.jnlp">
  Fire Up Web Start Player</a>

Or create your very own jnlp file and refer to it. Cut and paste the undocumented jnlp file below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Q: How can I call other programs or shell scripts in Java?

There is no difference from a plain-vanilla Java app other that you need to sign your Web Start app and that you never know in advance what files live on your user's desktop and where they are. Example:

String args = {"/bin/sh", "sendMessage.sh" };

There is an excellent article on Runtime.exec() detailing all the pitfalls under Windows at http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-12-2000/jw-1229-traps.html third-party link

Q: How can I tell Web Start to use either a hotspot or classic virtual machine?

Start up Web Start and use the File | Set Preferences | Java tab to choose a virtual machine (VM) and specify parameters.

You can check if this worked by activating the console via File | Set Preferences | Advanced | Show Console

Note, that you cannot pass system properties to your virtual machine in the JNLP file other than initial-heap-size and max-heap-size.

If you want to pass on additional arguments (such as -Xincgc) to the Java runtime, submit a Request For Enhancement (RFE) at Sun's bug parade at http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/ third-party link and pray that Sun includes it in the next JNLP spec update. A proposal for stack size args is already in the queue.

Q: How can I retrieve the proxy settings from Web Start?

Use the system properties proxyHost, proxyPort and proxySet. Example:


Web Start will set the values for you before it starts up your app.

See Ron Kurr's Java World tip for a proxy property primer online at http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javatips/jw-javatip42.html third-party link

Q: How can I talk to servlets from my Web Start app?

You can use java.net.URL to talk to servlets.

Note, that if your app is not signed you can only phone home, that is, talk to your web server that delivered your app to the user's desktop as your app runs in an applet like sandbox.

Q: How can I detect if my app is offline?

One method is to try to resolve a host name. If your app throws UnknownHostException because it cannot resolve the host name, you are offline, otherwise you are online. Example:

  InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName( host );
  Sytem.out.println( "online" );
catch( UnknownHostException ex )
  System.out.println( "offline" );

You may also use the undocumented property sun.net.inetaddr.ttl to turn off DNS caching. Example:

System.setProperty("sun.net.inetaddr.ttl", "0");

By default negative DNS answers are cached and it may happen that dial-in users that were offline will not be able to connect to the host if the first resolve attempt failed (timeout etc.) until the app restarts and the cache is cleared.

There is no way to really tell if you are offline or online. You can try javax.jnlp.BasicService.isOffline(), but note that isOffline() always returns false unless you switch Web Start's App Manager into offline mode and start your app from there resulting in javaws -offline ... causing isOffline() to return true.

Q: How can I start other Web Start apps from my Web Start app?

You can start other Web Start apps from your Web Start app by passing the app's JNLP startup file URL to your browser using BasicService.showDocument. Your browser will then download the startup file and pass it on to Web Start to finish up your request. Example:

   bs.showDocument( "http://www.jenomics.de/vamp/venus.jnlp" );

An alternative is starting Web Start yourself using Runtime.exec. You can find out where Web Start hides away on your user's disk using the javax.home property.

Q: How can I start a browser without Web Start?

Web Start makes starting a browser using BasicService.showDocument easy. To create your own showDocument version without Web Start in 100 % Java check out

Q: How does a muffin differ from a cookie?

A web browser uses cookies to store small amounts of data on the user's computer. Muffins are similar to cookies in that they store data on the user's computer in the Web Start cache that is uniquely identified by URLs (e.g. www.vamphq.com) and available to untrusted (aka sandboxed, unsigned) Web Start apps.

A web browser, however, is only required to accept 20 cookies per site and 300 total per user, and the browser can limit each cookie's size to 4096 bytes. In contrast Web Start apps can use at least up to 128 k for muffins without any permission. If an app needs more space for its muffins, it needs to ask the user for permission.

In contrast to cookies you can also tag muffins as dirty, cached, or temporary to help Web Start decide what muffins to delete if space gets tight. Web Start's deletes temporary muffins first; then cached muffins; and finally dirty muffins. (If Web Start deletes dirty muffins it must ask the user as data might get lost.)

Tag Value Description
dirty Server doesn't have an up-to-date copy of the muffin
cached Server has an up-to-date copy of the muffin
temporary Muffin is not stored on the server; Muffin can always be recreated

Muffins Without Web Start - Roll Your Own Muffin Storage Service

If you want to use muffins and run your app without Web Start as well, you can create your own muffin storage service. This is not as hard as it sounds. For a start you can check out Mauro Marillini's open-source muffin storage service published in the his Java Deployment with JNLP and Web Start book. Chapter 11: Runtime Client Services is available online for free at Sun's Java Developer Connection (JDC) site at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/Books/jnlp/

Cookies Inside Muffins - Use Cookies In Your Web Start App

Note, that you can use cookies as well in your Web Start app. Web Start apps in contrast to applets, however, run outside a browser and you, therefore, cannot use the browser's cookies but you have to manage your own cookie cache. For unsigned apps you can put your cookie cache inside a muffin and consult it whenever you send a HTTP request back to your home web server, for example.

Q: Can I disable jardiff for selected jars?

If you use version.xml files, you can disable jardiff generation by keeping only the jar's current version in the version.xml file. To generate jardiffs Sun's JnlpDownloadServlet requires the jar's current and previous version to be listed in version.xml.

Q: Why does the Java runtime linger on after my app is gone?

All Swing apps must call Sytem.exit() to shutdown the Java runtime. Note, that Web Start turns every app it starts into a Swing app. Therefore, always call System.extit() to shutdown the Java runtime even if your app teared down the Java runtime automatically (without calling System.exit()) when run stand-alone.

Q: How can I associate file extensions with Web Start apps under Windows?

It's quite a challenge because Web Start doesn't support any command line arguments other then the app's URL (e.g. javaws http://www.jenomics.de/vamp/venus.jnlp).

The hard part is to figure out how to add more command line arguments. One method is to lobby Sun, another is to create your own Web Start clone.

Once you succeeded all that's left to do is to add some registry entries to associate your app with your file extension of choice using Windows-only native code.

Q: How does a Web Start app differ from a plain-old app?

A Web Start app differs from a plain-old app in numerous ways including:

Q: How can I tell Web Start to start my apps offline?

Note, that Web Start cannot automatically detect if your computer is offline or online. Use the Web Start Jukebox (that is, Application Manager) to toogle between offline and online. (Click on the connector-plug icon in the bottom-left corner.)

To start your Web Start app offline from the shell (commandline) use the -offline switch. Example:

javaws -offline "http://www.jenomics.de/vamp/hazel.jnlp" 

Note, that javax.jnlp.BasicService.isOffline() returns true only if you use the -offline switch or if you switched the Web Start Jukebox to offline. Web Start doesn't use any wizardry to second-guess your setting.

If you start your app offline, Web Start skips the update check. Also note that Web Start by default forbids offline startup and requires your blessing (use the offline-allowed tag in your app's JNLP file to grant the permission).

Q: Two Event Queues. How come?

If you run your app with Web Start, you will end up with two event queues (AWT-EventQueue-0 and AWT-EventQueue-1).

Web Start also has its own thread group called javawsApplicationThreadGroup.

You will also get two application contexts (one for Web Start and one for your app).

If you use RMI and Swing and touch up the GUI in your RMI callbacks than you will face the following threading bug:

RMI creates threads for each connection; but in Web Start they're created within the context of Web Start, not your app. This has the result that if you use SwingUtilities.invokeLater() from an RMI thread, it'll be dispatched to the Web Start context, which has its own event queue thread. Your application also has an event queue thread, so your code is running in the wrong thread.

[Editor's Note: I will clear up the following posts once I better understand what's going on.]

Rhys Parsons reports:

I've done some tests and found that when I use invokeLater() from a thread created by an RMI server (which is actually a callback interface), the call is synchronized with AWT-EventQueue-0; however, when I created my own thread and synchronize it using invokeLater(), it's synchronized with AWT-EventQueue-1. GUI events (key events and mouse events) occur in AWT-EventQueue-1, so updating a GUI from some threads (such as RMI threads) seems to cause a threading problem for the app.

I fail to get key events from a custom JTextField. I do, however, still get mouse events.

My GUI is created from events received from an RMI server. The calls are synchronized with the AWT event queue using invokeLater(). Items, such as text fields, are also updated from the RMI Server, and the invokeLater() method called appropriately.

However, I've noticed that under Web Start there are two AWT event queues: AWT-EventQueue-0 and AWT-EventQueue-1; and whereas the invokeLater() calls are synchronized with AWT-EventQueue-0 when called from RMI threads, GUI events (the mouse events I do get) are occuring in AWT-EventQueue-1.

I've tried two test apps. One which has no RMI and used invokeLater() in a separate thread. Both key and mouse events are caught correctly in AWT-EventQueue-1, and the updates from the invokeLater() occur in AWT-EventQueue-1.

I then changed the same application to register a callback RMI interface with a server. The server updates a JTextField with a new value every second. Sure enough, the updates using invokeLater() from the RMI thread occur in AWT-EventQueue-0, but key and mouse events happen in AWT-EventQueue-1. Eventually the test app crashes.

It seems to me that there is something about the RMI thread which causes invokeLater() to synchronize with AWT-EventQueue-0, whereas it should be synchronizing with AWT-EventQueue-1.

David Geary confirms:

We use RMI callbacks from a server, and everything appears in AWT-EventQueue-1 except when we call invokeLater() from an RMI callback thread, this then executes on AWT-EventQueue-0.

dietz posts a workaround:

The method called back by RMI runs on a thread in a ThreadGroup created by RMI code. This ThreadGroup is a child of the main system ThreadGroup (which has associated its own AppContext) as opposed to the JavawsApplicationThreadGroup (which has associated the application's AppContext). GUI code that runs in this thread will be in the wrong AppContext and, therefore, use the wrong EventQueue. The same problem shows up in applets (which also uses different AppContexts).

As a workaround replace the call to invokeLater() with one that will run on the correct AppContext as follows:

private final static ThreadGroup _applicationThreadGroup =

public void myInvokeLater(final Runnable code) 
   ( new Thread( _applicationThreadGroup, new Runnable()  {
       public void run() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(code); }
     } )

With this code the ThreadGroup the class is loaded on is saved and used, so this may not work if the jar containing the class is loaded from other RMI code running on a thread in the wrong ThreadGroup (either implicitly by making the first ref to a resource in a lazy jar, or explicitly using the JNLPDownloadService). I haven't tried that but it seems it would also be easy to work around.

Rhys Parsons follows up:

The point is to create a thread which you know will be in your application's context (e. g. create it within the application's main thread), and call SwingUtilites.invokeLater() from this thread.

The workaround creates a thread for every call. I think this is wasteful of system resources, so I wrote the class AppContextSynch (see the appendix for the source).

To use it, create it within the first few lines of your app. Example:

new AppContextSynch();

And instead of doing SwingUtilities.invokeLater() do AppContextSynch.invokeLater().

Q: How can I find out why Web Start fails to parse my JNLP startup file?

If Web Start chokes on your JNLP startup file (e.g. "Launch File Error: The following required field is missing from the launch file: <jnlp>"), and your app won't show, turn on the magic TraceXMLParsing switch, to find out why me. Follow these steps:

Q: How can I set my applet's screen position?

Web Start puts your applet inside a JFrame. To set your applet's position go up the parent tree until you hit the JFrame and use setLocaction( x,y ) to move your applet to wherever you like. Example:

Container c = applet;
while( c.getParent() != null ) 
  c = c.getParent();

if( c instanceof JFrame ) 
  JFrame f = (JFrame) c;
  f.setLocation( x, y );

Note, that when applets run inside a browser using the Java Plug-In you won't hit on a top-level JFrame when going up the applet's parent tree because the browser window itself holds the applets.


Q: Where can I find more information about Web Start programming?

Here are some developer links that include code examples:

JavaOne 2001 Slides: Web Start Software: Advanced Topics by Rene Schmidt and Andy Herrick online at http://java.sun.com/javaone/javaone2001/pdfs/1318.pdf download link

Topics include:

JavaWon 2002 Talk Slides About Web Start

Here are some books that have major Web Start content:

Java Deployment (JNLP, WebStart, J2EE, J2SE) by Mauro Marinilli, September 2001, 512 pages, paper format, ISBN: 0-672-32182-3, Sams Publishing

Chapter 2: An Abstract Model for Deployment and Chapter 11: Runtime Client Services of Mauro Marinilli's Java Deployment with JNLP and Web Start book are online for free at Sun's Java Developer Connection (JDC) site at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/Books/jnlp/ third-party link

Early Adopter: J2SE 1.4 by James Hart, September 2001, 200pp, Wrox Press; Wrox has published an updated and expanded version under the new title: Java J2SE 1.4 Core Platform Update, March 2002, 250pp, ISBN: 1861007272, as Java 1.4 has long shipped and no longer is avant-garde.

In Chapter 3: Clients James Hart explains JNLP and Web Start and develops a Web Start example app for viewing photographs in a sandboxed and in a signed version.

Gregory M. Travis's JDK 1.4 Tutorial third-party link (March 2002, 408 pages, Manning), includes a 30-page chapter on Web Start:

Q: Are there any open-source Web Start/JNLP projects?

Yes, there are. Here's the line up. Alive and kicking projects:

NetX Java Start Button Java Start Button displays an always-up-to-date menu of Web Start apps that you start by selecting the desired menu item. As of April 2002, NetX Java Start Button lists about fifty Web Start apps in eight categories. More info at http://ocd.sourceforge.net/netx/start/start.html third-party link

Dead or neglected projects:

Heiss Stephan has created a little tool allowing jar creation, code signing and more. You can kick start his little tool using Web Start at download link (The source is packed up along will all .class files in the jar. For further study extract it from the jar stored in Web Start's cache.)

Web Start Alternative Comparison Chart

Web Start OpenJNLP NetX
Source License Sun Community License (similar to Microsoft's shared source license; you are allowed to look at the code, but not allowed to touch it) Mozilla Public License (MPL) GNU General Public License (GPL)
Security Yes No security Yes; sandbox/trusted but no code signing check
Requires Installer Yes No (several Jars) No (single executable Jar)
Platforms Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, HP/UX; uses native code for desktop integration, proxy detection, browser integration etc. 100 % Java 2; no native code; Java 1.1 version for Mac Classic available as separate branch 100 % Java 2; no native code
Command-line support No command line options; accepts a single URL only Yes, accepts list of URLs; no other options Yes, rich support
JNLP compliance
Overall compliance Excellent Fair. Missing: installers, applets, extensions, security checks, JNLP services, and more Fair. Missing: installers, signing, native code, proper JVM selection, and more
Required JNLP services All None (stubs only) Most
Sets system properties, applet params, application args Yes system props and args Yes
Native Library Support Yes Yes Yes
Extension Descriptors Yes No Yes
Supports Applets Yes No Yes
Supports Jar Diffs and Versioning Yes No No
Supports Proxies Yes No No
API Features
Embeddable in other programs No Yes Yes
API to Launch in Same JVM No Yes Yes
API to Launch new JVM Yes (by opening URL) No Yes
Access to JNLP file information Yes, codebase only; missing everything else Yes, missing: security, applet, etc. Yes, all
Insert extra properties, params, args at runtime No No Yes, programmatically or command-line
Can use any SAX parser as system default / does not affect launcher Yes, uses own XML parser Yes, uses NanoXML parser Yes, uses TinyXML parser
GUI/system integration
GUI Tools Yes, app list (delete, etc) plus console window Yes, app list plus console window No, but paired with Object Component Desktop (OCD)
GUI Separate from Launcher No Yes Yes
Automatically associated with .jnlp file extension Yes No (manual) No (manual)
Console / stdio handling Console window and output log Console window (combines multi-app output) All IO to console

Q: Are there any third party tools available to package, sign and publish Web Start/JNLP apps?

Venus Application Publisher offers a rich tool collection to help you package, sign and publish Web Start/JNLP apps. You can find out more at http://www.vamphq.com

Q: Where can I find JNLP/Web Start apps?

Check out the following indices that list JNLP/Web Start apps:

Q: Where can I download Web Start's source?

You can download Web Start's source from Sun at http://www.sun.com/software/communitysource/javawebstart/download.html third-party link

Q: Where can I get JnlpDownloadServlet's source?

You can download the source for the JnlpDownloadServlet at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/restricted/javawebstart/ third-party link. The JnlpDownloadServlet source ships with the Web Start 1.0.1 source bundle. (Java Developer Connection (JDC) login required; membership free-of-charge)

Q: Where do I find the javax.jnlp classes?

Download Sun's JNLP developer's pack at http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/download-jnlp.html third-party link. The javax.jnlp classes are packed up in jnlp.jar.

Note, that you can also add the Web Start jar itself (that is, javaws.jar) to your classpath if you don't want to download the dev pack and use the javax.jnlp stubs in jnlp.jar for compiling your code using Web Start services.

Q: Where can I find more info about Web Start programming in German?

Q: Where can I find more info about Java's class loading architecure?


Stuart Halloway's Component Development for the Java Platform third-party link (December 2001, Addison-Wesley) tells you everything you ever wanted to know about class loading and more. The 50+ page coverage includes:

Ted Neward's Server-Based Java Programming third-party link (July 2000, 592 pages, Manning) includes a record-breaking 60+ pages, in-depth coverage:

Online Articles


Java Runtime Installer Example

To use Dale Searle's Java Runtime Installer Example follow these steps:

# Lists the platforms supported by this Java Runtime
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://marvin/JRE_1.3.1_01">
    <title>J2RE 1.3.1_01 Installer</title>
    <vendor>PerMedics, Inc.</vendor>
    <j2se version="1.3"/>
    <jar href="Installer.jar"/>
    <jar href="JRE_1.3.1_01.jar"/>
    <property name="jre.container" value="JRE_1.3.1_01.jar"/>
    <property name="jre.execute" value="bin\\javaw.exe"/>
    <property name="jre.version" value="1.3.1_01"/>
  <installer-desc main-class="JREInstaller"/>

The jre.container property is the name of the jar holding the Java Runtime (e.g. jre.jar) that you packed up in the beginning. jre.execute is the path to the Web Start executable (e.g javaw.exe) and jre.version is the version passed on to service.setJREInfo().

Note, in the JNLP installer file use a Java Runtime version such as 1.3+ that is already installed on your user's machine, and not the version for the Java Runtime you try to install.

Make sure that you put both these files into the JRE_<version> directory in tomcat/ROOT.

Compile the installer (e.g. JREInstaller.java), jar it (e.g. installer.jar), sign it and put it in the JRE_<version> directory in tomcat/ROOT as well. Make sure your version tag is the same as your <version> string.

That's it. Go nuts.

Java Runtime Installer Servlet Code

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class JREServlet extends HttpServlet
  //Initialize global variables
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException

  //Process the HTTP Get request
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
     throws ServletException, IOException
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (response.getOutputStream());
    String sep = File.separator;
    String home = System.getProperty("tomcat.home") + sep;

    //Gets put in the tomcat/bin directory
    PrintWriter logWriter = new PrintWriter(
       new FileWriter(home + "logs" + sep +"JREServlet.log"));

     * Capture parameters, note known-platforms is only used by the servlet 
     * to determine if the JNLP client has a version that will run this installer
    String locale         = request.getParameter("locale");
    String arch           = request.getParameter("arch");
    String os             = request.getParameter("os");
    String versionID      = request.getParameter("version-id");
    String knownPlatforms = request.getParameter("known-platforms");

    StringBuffer jnlp = new StringBuffer();
      //I dont care which version of windows it is.
      if (os != null && os.indexOf("Windows") != -1)
        os = "Windows";

      //Log parameters for debug
      logWriter.println("locale=" + locale);
      logWriter.println("arch=" + arch);
      logWriter.println("os=" + os);
      logWriter.println("version-id=" + versionID);
      logWriter.println("known-platforms=" + knownPlatforms);

       * If the requested JRE is supported then it will be in a directory 
       * that follows the convention JRE_[version-id] which 
       * contains JRE_[version-id].jar, [version-id].properties and [version-id].xml. 
       * The JRE_[version-id].jar contains a jre.jar holding the jre itsself.
       * For example if I request version 1.3.1_01 then I must have a
       * JRE_1.3.1_01 directory which contains JRE_1.3.1_01.jar (which contains jre.jar),
       * 1.3.1_01.properties, and 1.3.1_01.xml files.

      //This directory should exist in the Root directory
      String path = home + "webapps" + sep + "ROOT" + sep;

      logWriter.println("Checking version info.");
      String directoryName = "JRE_" + versionID;
      logWriter.println("JRE directory path = " + path +directoryName);
      File directory = new File(path + directoryName);

      if( directory.exists() )
        path += directoryName + sep;

      String propPath = path + versionID + ".properties";
      logWriter.println("Properties file = " + propPath);
      File properties = new File(path + versionID + ".properties");

      String xmlPath = path + versionID + ".xml";
      logWriter.println("XML file = " + xmlPath);
      File jnlpFile = new File(xmlPath);

      if (properties.exists() && jnlpFile.exists())
        logWriter.println("Files exist.");

        Properties prop = new Properties();
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(properties);
        logWriter.println("Properties loaded.");

        //Verify that this JRE will be compatible with the requested platform.
        if (!versionID.equals(prop.getProperty("version-id"))
           || !os.equals(prop.getProperty("os")))
          logWriter.println("version-id or os failed validation");
            throw new Exception("11 -version-id or os failed validation");
        logWriter.println("Passed properties validation");

        //Read in the jnlp file
        FileReader fr = new FileReader(jnlpFile);
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fr);

        while (reader.ready())

        logWriter.println("Loaded xml.");

        response.setHeader("x-java-jnlp-version-id", versionID);
        throw new Exception("10 -Directory or Files do not exist.");
  catch(Exception e)
   if( logWriter != null )
   response.setHeader("x-java-jnlp-version-id", versionID);

Java Runtime Installer Code

import javax.jnlp.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.jar.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
import java.util.*;

public class JREInstaller
  private static Class clazz;
  private static String installPath;
  private static ExtensionInstallerService service;

  public JREInstaller()
    clazz = getClass();

  public static void main(String[] args)
    PrintWriter writer = null;
    //This is the name of the jar file that holds jre.jar.
    String jarName = System.getProperty("jre.container");
    //Actually a path to javaw.exe e.g. bin\javaw.exe
    String execute = System.getProperty("jre.execute");
    //The version being installed
    String version = System.getProperty("jre.version");

    JREInstaller jreInstaller = new JREInstaller();
      //Set up the log file
      writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("/C:/JREInstaller.log"));
      writer.println("initiated, services available:");

      String[] arr = ServiceManager.getServiceNames();
      for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
        writer.println( "\t" + arr );
      service = (ExtensionInstallerService) ServiceManager.lookup(

      installPath = service.getInstallPath();
      writer.println("JRE = " + jarName);
      writer.println("execute = " + execute);
      writer.println("Install path = " + installPath);

      if( service == null )
        throw new Exception("Service is null.");

      service.setHeading("Looking for Jar file, please wait.");

      //Create a temp file to get around URL file problem
      InputStream fis = clazz.getResourceAsStream("jre.jar");
      File temp = File.createTempFile("jre",".tmp");
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(temp);
      byte[] buff = new byte[512];
      int read = 0;

      while (true)
        read = fis.read(buff);
        if( read == -1 )
        fos.write(buff, 0, read);

      //Now that we have an accessable file lets use it.
      JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(temp);

      service.setHeading("Jar found, inflating.");

      //Inflate the jar into the install directory.
      writer.println("JRE inflated.");

      service.setHeading("JRE installed, setting path info.");
      service.setHeading("JRE info set.");
      writer.println("Execute path = " + installPath + File.separator + execute);
      service.setJREInfo(version, installPath + execute);
      service.installSucceeded(false);  // no need to reboot
   catch(Exception e)
     catch(Exception ex){}

     if (service != null)
     catch(Exception ex){}

private void inflateJar(JarFile jarFile) throws Exception
  Enumeration e = jarFile.entries();
  int count = 0;
  ZipEntry entry = null;
  StringBuffer path = null;
  String name = null;

  while (e.hasMoreElements())
    if (count % 2 == 0)

    entry = (JarEntry)e.nextElement();
    name = entry.getName();
    path = new StringBuffer(installPath + File.separator + name);
    service.setHeading("Unzipping " + name);

    //Not woried about meta info.
    if(path.toString().indexOf("META-INF") != -1)

    //Create Directories.
    if( entry.isDirectory() )
       path.setLength(path.length() -1); //Get rid of the ending separater.
       File dir = new File(path.toString());
       if( !dir.exists() )
         if( !dir.mkdirs() )
            throw new IOException("Failed to create directory.\n" + path.toString());
    //Create files.    
       byte[] buff = new byte[512];
       int read = 0;
       InputStream fis = jarFile.getInputStream(entry);
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path.toString());
       while( true )
         read = fis.read(buff);
         if( read == -1 )
         fos.write(buff, 0, read);

Java Runtime Installer Comments

Note, that a lot of the code just tells you what's going on, feel free to cut out what you don't want (e.g. sleep(300) inside inflateJar() to speed up the Java Runtime explosion).

On Windows NT4 Web Start installs Java Runtimes per user. That is, if three users, use the same app on the same machine Web Start downloads the app only once; the Java Runtime, however, three times. (40 MBs per user -> 120 MB). Why install the apps per machine, but extensions (such as Java Runtimes) per user (in the Web Start's .ext directory)?

I noticed that Web Start gives each user a .javaws directory The .javaws directory contains a javaws.cfg file that keeps track of the jre/url key value pairs. Example:

#Thu Jan 03 11:09:36 PST 2002
javaws.cfg.jre.2.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Java Web Start\\.javaws\\

If you copy the path info into the other users javaws.cfg in WINNT/Profiles/<user>/.javaws, Web Start no longer reinstalls your own Java Runtime. Of course, this breaks the zero-admin principle, as admins have to fix the config files to save disk space. If Web Start used the .javaws directory in the All Users profile, it would install the Java Runtime only once.

Why does Web Start save the Java Runtime URL/Value pairs in the user's profile jawaws.cfg if you use the extension installer service for Java Runtime installs?

In "larger departments" roaming profiles are nothing unusual. Now imagine a user logging in on one machine, runs an app using Web Start that installs a Java Runtime on that machine, now logging off and on another machine.

Starting the same app on another machine leads to an error as the URL/Value pair inside the user's javaws.cfg, that moved along with the user, still states that the required Java Runtime is installed, which no longer holds true.

I found a work around that makes Web Start use your custom installed Java Runtime for all users. If you update the javaws.cfg file in the Web Start directory with your Java Runtime info, Web Start uses the same Java Runtime for all users. Web Start still gives each user its own javaws.cfg file and .javaws directory but copies the correct path info to it. I inserted the code below right after the installer's setJREInfo() call. Granted it's a hack but it works.

int start = installPath.indexOf("Java Web Start");
if (start != -1)
  String cfgPath = installPath.substring(0,start + 15) + "javaws.cfg";
  writer.println("Looking for javaws.cfg at " + cfgPath);
  File cfgFile = new File(cfgPath);
  if( cfgFile.exists() )
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    fis = new FileInputStream(cfgFile);
    writer.println("\t** backup of javaws.cfg, paste in if something blows");
    String test = "";
    int i = 0;
    while (test != null)
      test = prop.getProperty("javaws.cfg.jre." + i + ".product");
    prop.setProperty("javaws.cfg.jre." + i + ".product", version);
    prop.setProperty("javaws.cfg.jre." + i + ".platform", version);
    prop.setProperty("javaws.cfg.jre." + i + ".path", actualExecute);
    prop.setProperty("javaws.cfg.jre." + i + ".location",
    writer.println("writing new javaws.cfg");
    fos = new FileOutputStream(cfgFile);
    prop.store(fos,"Rewritten by JREInstaller");

Micheal Nadel's Servlet

Micheal Nadel full-length, uncensored servlet source. For questions, comments, suggestions or improvements send a mail to Micheal Nadel ( mNadel@chicagojava.com).

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DynamicJNLPServlet extends HttpServlet
  private HashMap   jnlpMap = new HashMap();
  private ArrayList matchList;
  private boolean   parseQueryString;

  public void init( ServletConfig config ) throws ServletException 
    super.init( config );


    this.parseQueryString =
          config.getInitParameter( "parse.querystring" ).equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ? true : false;

    config.getServletContext().setAttribute( "DynamicJNLPServlet", this );

  private void initMatchList() 
    this.matchList = new ArrayList();
    String toMatch = getServletConfig().getInitParameter( "match.list" );

    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( toMatch, "|" );
    while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) 
      this.matchList.add( tok.nextToken() );

  private String getPropertyXML( String name, String value ) 
    return "<property name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"" + value + "\"/>\n";

  public void clearCache() 

  private StringBuffer getJnlpFromDisk( HttpServletRequest req, String match ) throws IOException 
    String uriSansContext = req.getRequestURI().substring(
      req.getRequestURI().indexOf( req.getContextPath() ) + req.getContextPath().length() );

    String filepath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath( uriSansContext );

    //System.out.println( " URI: " + req.getRequestURI() );
    //System.out.println( "Path: " + filepath );

    if( this.jnlpMap.containsKey( filepath ) ) 
      return (StringBuffer) this.jnlpMap.get( filepath );

    int ch;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( filepath ) );

    while( ( ch = br.read() ) > -1 ) 
      sb.append( (char) ch );


    this.replaceCodebase( req, sb );
    this.replaceDisplayName( match, sb );
    this.replaceHref( req, sb );

    this.jnlpMap.put( match, sb );

    System.out.println( "[" + new Date() + "] Found JNLP Template" );
    System.out.println( "     URL: " + HttpUtils.getRequestURL( req ) );
    System.out.println( "   Match: " + match );
    System.out.println( "    File: " + filepath );

    return sb;

  private void replaceCodebase( HttpServletRequest req, StringBuffer sb ) 
    int start = sb.toString().indexOf( "$$codebase" );
    int length = "$$codebase".length();

    String url = HttpUtils.getRequestURL( req ).toString();

    String codebase = url.substring( 0, url.lastIndexOf( "/" ) );

    sb.replace( start, start+length, codebase );

  private void replaceDisplayName( String matchName, StringBuffer sb ) 
    int start = sb.toString().indexOf( "$$title" );
    int length = "$$title".length();

    String name = this.getServletConfig().getInitParameter( matchName + ".title" );

    sb.replace( start, start+length, name );

  private void replaceProperties( HttpServletRequest req, StringBuffer sb ) 
    if( sb.toString().indexOf( "$$properties" ) < 0 ) 

    StringBuffer propXmlBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    Enumeration enum = req.getParameterNames();
    while( enum.hasMoreElements() ) 
      String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
      propXmlBuffer.append( this.getPropertyXML( name, req.getParameter( name ) ) );

    int start = sb.toString().indexOf( "$$properties" );
    int length = "$$properties".length();

    sb.replace( start, start+length, propXmlBuffer.toString() );

  private void replaceHref( HttpServletRequest req, StringBuffer sb ) 
    int start = sb.toString().indexOf( "$$href" );
    int length = "$$href".length();

    String url = HttpUtils.getRequestURL( req ).toString();

    String href = url.substring( url.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );

    sb.replace( start, start+length, href );

  private String getJnlp( HttpServletRequest req ) throws IOException 
    String matchName = "", url = HttpUtils.getRequestURL( req ).toString();
    boolean foundMatch = false;

    for( int i = 0; i < this.matchList.size(); i++ ) 
      matchName = (String) this.matchList.get( i );
      if( url.indexOf( matchName ) > -1 ) 
        foundMatch = true;

    if( !foundMatch ) 
      return null;

    StringBuffer jnlpBuffer = this.getJnlpFromDisk( req, matchName );

    if( this.parseQueryString ) 
      StringBuffer tmpBuffer = new StringBuffer( jnlpBuffer.toString() );
      this.replaceProperties( req, tmpBuffer );
      return tmpBuffer.toString();
      return jnlpBuffer.toString();        

  protected void service( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res ) 
     throws ServletException, IOException 
      String jnlp = this.getJnlp( req );
      if( jnlp == null ) 
        res.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND );
         res.setContentType( "application/x-java-jnlp" );
         res.getWriter().print( jnlp );
    catch( IOException e ) 
      System.err.println( "DynamicJNLPServlet Error: " + e.getMessage() );
      res.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND );

And the servlet's web.xml config file:



        <!-- Map URIs to JNLPs and Display Name  -->










Agnes Juhasz's JCE Policy Installer

Agnes Juhasz donated the class below that installs the 'Unlimited Strength Cryptography Extension Policy Files" into the current JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security folder. Before using it you have to bundle the proper files into a signed jar (e.g. UnlimitedCryptoPolicy.jar) and update your installer's JNLP file with the line: <jar href="UnlimitedCryptoPolicy.jar"/> in the <resources> section.

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller
  /** Put here the names of files to install. */
  String[] FILE_NAMES = { "local_policy.jar", "US_export_policy.jar"};

  /** Put here the sizes for checking. */
  long[] FILE_SIZES = { 2643, 2631 };

  /** Put here the dates of files for checking. */
  GregorianCalendar[] FILE_DATES = { new GregorianCalendar(2002,1,12), new GregorianCalendar(2002,1,12) };

  public UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller()

   * The install procedure needs 'ALL PERMISSION'.
   * @return a vector with the names of installed files with full pathname or an empty vector
  public Vector doInstall() throws SecurityException,IOException
    Vector installedfilenames = new Vector();
    ClassLoader classloader = getClass().getClassLoader();

    String java_home = System.getProperty("java.home");
    if( java_home == null )
       throw new SecurityException("Unable to detect JAVA_HOME");

    String destinationfolder = java_home+File.separator+"lib"+File.separator+"security";

    for( int i=0; i < FILE_NAMES.length; i++ )
      boolean needinstall = false;
      File file = new File(destinationfolder,FILE_NAMES);
      if( file.exists() && file.canRead() )
        if( file.length() != FILE_SIZES )
          needinstall = true;
        GregorianCalendar olddate = new GregorianCalendar();
        olddate.setTime(new Date(file.lastModified()));
        olddate.set(Calendar.MINUTE ,0);
        olddate.set(Calendar.SECOND ,0);

        if ( FILE_DATES.after(olddate) )
          needinstall = true;
        needinstall = true;
      if( needinstall )
        InputStream is = classloader.getResourceAsStream(FILE_NAMES);
        if( is != null )
          // read-in
          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          int j;
          while( (j = is.read()) != -1 )
          // write-out
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);

          // set the proper date
          installedfilenames.addElement(new String(file.getPath()));
    return installedfilenames;

  public static void main(String[] args)
      UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller installer = new UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller();
      System.out.println("Installed files: "+installer.doInstall());
    catch( Exception e )
      System.out.println( e.toString() );

You could use the code snippet below for a silent background installation:

Runnable r = new Runnable()
  public void run()
      UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller installer = new UnlimitedCryptoPolicyInstaller();
      Vector v = installer.doInstall();
      int n = v.size();

      String log = new String();
      if( n==0 )
        log = "Unlimited Strength Cryptograpy detected, OK.";
        log = "Unlimited Strength Cryptograpy installed: "+v+" OK.";

    catch ( Exception e )

Thread t = new Thread( r, "MyApp: Unlimited Crypto Installer" );

Rhys Parsons's RMI Callback GUI Threading Bug Workaround AppContextSynch Class

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

* Synchronize the SwingUtilities.invokeLater() with whichever thread created
* this object. Note that it is essential that this is created in the right
* thread (not an RMI / system thread) for this to work correctly. 
* @author Rhys Parsons

public class AppContextSynch 
  /** The single instance. */
  private static AppContextSynch instance;

  /** List of runnable interfaces to be run. */
  private ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

  /** Semaphore for poking thread to run interface. */
  private Object lock = new Object();

   * Creates an AppContextSynch. Since this is a singleton, we
   * only allow our instance to be set once.
  public AppContextSynch() 
     if( instance == null ) 
        instance = this;

        ( new Thread( new Runnable() {
           public void run()
              Runnable r;
              while( true ) 
                 if( list.size() > 0 ) 
                    synchronized( list ) 
                      while( list.size() > 0 ) 
                         r = (Runnable) list.remove( 0 );
                         SwingUtilities.invokeLater( r );
                    catch (InterruptedException ie) {}

  * Adds code to the interface list.
  * @param r The runnable interface to call in the AWT event queue thread.
  private void addInterface(Runnable r) 
   synchronized( list ) 

  * Runs SwingUtilities.invokeLater() using the thread context that
  public static void invokeLater( Runnable r ) 
   if( instance != null ) 
      throw new RuntimeException( "No AppContextSync created." );
} // end of class

paernoud's Session/Cookie Code Snippets

Try this in your Web Start app:

String jsessionid = null;
URL servletURL = "url to servlet";

URLConnection connServletInfo = servletURL.openConnection();
connServletInfo.setDoOutput( true );
if( jsessionid != null ) 
  connServletInfo.setRequestProperty( "Cookie", jsessionid );

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( connServletInfo.getOutputStream() );
out.print( "some parameters here" );

String key = null;
for( int i=1; (key=connServletInfo.getHeaderFieldKey( i )) != null; i++) 
   if( key.equals( "Set-Cookie" ) == true && jsessionid == null ) 
     jsessionid = connServletInfo.getHeaderField( i );

On the server try this:

public void service( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
   throws IOException, ServletException 
  Cookie userCookie = null;

    // some stuff to do here

    userCookie = setSession( req );
    setResponse( res, userCookie, "some stuff here in Map class" );
  catch( Exception ex ) 
    throw new ServletException( ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause() );

private Cookie setSession( HttpServletRequest req ) 
  boolean isNewCookie = false;
  Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();
  Cookie userCookie = null;

  // must be declared before any 'out' declarations.
  HttpSession session = req.getSession( true );
  if( session.isNew() == true ) 
    isNewCookie = true;
    userCookie = new Cookie( "jsessionid", session.getId() );
    for( int i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) 
      if( cookies.getName().equals( "jsessionid") == true ) 
        isNewCookie = false;
        userCookie = cookies;
  return( userCookie );

private void setResponse( HttpServletResponse res, Cookie userCookie, Map userInfo )
  throws IOException 
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 1024 );

  // some stuff to put into sb etc....

  res.addCookie( userCookie);
  res.setContentType( "text/bin");
  ServletOutputStream srvOut = res.getOutputStream();
  svrOut.write( sb.toString().getBytes() );
What's new?

November 25th, 2002


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July 22nd, 2002


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May 19th, 2002


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April 1st, 2002


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February 26th, 2002


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January 24th, 2002


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December 14th, 2001


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November 12th, 2001


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October 15th, 2001


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September 18th, 2001


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August 2nd, 2001


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July 27th, 2001

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July 24th, 2001


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Updated Entries


Thanks to all the JDC members posting their insights at Sun's Java Web Start/JNLP discussion forum. If you think you deserve credit, but I forgot you, please mail to comments@vamphq.com.

Common Acronyms

Common Internet Acronyms

Acronym Description
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CSS Cascading Stylesheets
DAV Distributed Authoring and Versioning
DTD Document Type Definition
HREF Hypertext Reference
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ISP Internet Service Provider
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
RDF Resource Description Framework
RSS Rich Site Summary
RDF Site Summary
SAX Simple API for XML
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SSL Secure Socket Layer
URL Uniform Resource Locator
XML Extensible Markup Language
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
XUL XML User Interface Language

Common Java Acronyms

Acronym Description
AWT Another Window Toolkit
EJB Enterprise Java Bean
J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition
J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition
JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service
JAR Java Archive
JAXP Java API for XML Parsing
JCE Java Cryptography Extension
JCP Java Community Process
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JDK Java Development Kit
JMF Java Media Framework
JNLP Java Network Launching Protocol
JRE Java Runtime Environment
JSP Java Server Pages
JSR Java Specification Request
JSSE Java Secure Socket Extension
JVM Java Virtual Machine
JWS Java Web Start
Java Web Server
Java Web Service
WAR Web Application Archive

Common Misc Acronyms

Acronym Description
API Application Programming Interface
CA Certificate Authority
CVS Concurrent Version Control System
DLL Dynamically Linked Library (Windows)
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
GUI Graphical User Interface
NTLM Windows (NT) Local Area Network (LAN) Manager - The security protocol of Windows
PDF Portable Document Format
PHP PHP Hypertext Processor
RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman
SO Shared Object (Unix)
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