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JNLP Tag Reference

Alphabetical Tag List

all-permissions icon package
applet-desc information param
application-desc installer-desc property
argument j2ee-application-client-permissions resources
component-desc j2se security
description jar title
ext-download jnlp vendor
extension nativelib
homepage offline-allowed
Tag Groups

Root Tags

Tag Description
jnlp The jnlp file's one and only root .

Top Level Structural Tags

Tag Description
applet-desc [ param ] Describes how to startup a Java applet. Contains information about main class, parameters, size and more.
application-desc [ argument ] Describes how to startup a Java application. Contains information about the main class and arguments.
component-desc Specifies a component extension.
information Contains various descriptive information about the application such as title, vendor and homepage.
installer-desc Specifies an installer extension.
resources Contains an ordered set of resources that make up an application.
security Describes the application's security requirements.

Information Tags

Tag Description
description Describes the application in a single line, in a paragraph or in a couple of words for a tooltip.
homepage Contains a web address to the application's homepage.
icon Describes an icon/image for the application.
offline-allowed Indicates if the application can be started offline (that is, without a connection to the originating server).
vendor Contains the vendor's name.
title Contains the application's name.

Resources Tags

Tag Description
extension [ ext-download ] Describes a component or installer extension that is required to run the app.
j2se Describes a supported JRE version that the application can run on.
jar Describes a jar file.
nativelib Describes a jar containing native libraries (e.g. .dll, .so).
package Defines a relationship between a Java package or class name and a part.
property Describes a name/value pair that is available to the application as a system property.

Security Tags

Tag Description
all-permissions Indicates that the application needs full access to the local system and network.
j2ee-application-client-permissions Indicates that the application needs the set of permissions defined for J2EE client apps.
Conventions Used In This Reference

I use the DTD operators below to formally describe the tag's contents.

? optional 0 or 1
* optional and repeatable 0 or more
+ required and repeatable 1 or more

I mark stand alone/empty tags with <jar/> in contrast to container tags <jnlp>..</jnlp>. Stand alone/empty tags cannot contain any text or tags. Container tags with an end tag can contain text or tags or both.

Request for Comments

This JNLP tag reference is a living, growing body of knowledge, not just a publish-and-forget-it static dead-tree document, help to improve it. Send your comments, suggestions, or corrections to the lopica-talk mailinglist (Subscribe/Unsubscribe) or send a private email to gerald@vamphq.com (Gerald Bauer). Your contributions are welcome.

As an alternative you can post your insights at Sun's Java Web Start and JNLP forum third-party link which I check regularily.

Here We Go



Indicates that the application needs full access to the local system and network. Note, that for apps requesting full access, you need to sign all jars. The user has to accept your certificate the first time the application is started.

Appears In






Describes how to startup a Java applet. Contains information about main class, parameters, size and more.

Note, that applets are only supported for easy migration of your existing applets to Web Start. If you start from scratch, create an application instead.


main-class=class , required
Describes the name of the main applet class without the .class extension.
name=name , required
Describes the name of the applet.
width=pixels , required
Describes the width of the applet in pixels.
height=pixels , required
Describes the height of the applet in pixels.
documentbase=url , optional
Describes the documentbase for the applet as a URL.



Appears In





Describes how to startup a Java application. Contains information about the main class and arguments.


main-class=class , optional
Describes the main class of the app. Note, that you can only leave out the main class attribute if the first jar in the jnlp file contains a manifest containing the main class.



Appears In



<application-desc main-class="venus.Tool" />

<application-desc main-class="edu.psu.geovista.studio.GvStudio">
  <argument>-jconsole disable</argument>

<application-desc main-class="org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.Main">



Describes the ordered set of arguments that will be passed into the main method of the application's main class.

Appears In




<argument>-jconsole disable</argument>



Specifies a component extension.

Appears In






Describes the application in a single line, in a paragraph or in a couple of words for a tooltip.

Only one description of each kind can be specified. A description without a kind is used as a default description. Thus, if Web Start needs a description of kind short, and it can't be found in the jnlp file, then the default description's text is used instead.

All descriptions contain plain text only. No formatting such as HTML tags is supported.


kind=one-line|short|tooltip, optional
Indicates the use of a description element. i) one-line, for a one-line description, ii) short, for a one paragraph description, and iii) tooltip, for a tool-tip description. Longer descriptions should be put on a separate web page and referred to using the homepage element.

Appears In



<description>A user-friendly tool to help you package, sign and 
     publish JNLP software.</description>

<description>jDiskReport - A Graphical Disk Report Utility</description>
<description kind="short">jDiskReport enables you to understand how much 
     space the directories and files consume on your hard disks.</description>
<description kind="tooltip">jDiskReport 1.0</description>



Defines how parts of the extension are downloaded.


ext-part=name , required
Describes the name of a part in the extension.
download=lazy|eager, optional
Describes if the resource may be downloaded lazily, that is, on demand. default value is eager.
part=name , optional
Describes the name of the part it belongs to.

Appears In





Describes a component or installer extension that is required to run the app.


href=url , required
Specifies the location of the extension.
version=version , optional
Specifies the version of the extension.
name=name , optional
Specifies the name of the extension.



Appears In



<extension name="InfoBus"   href="lib/core/InfoBus/InfoBus.jnlp"/>
<extension name="Java Help" href="lib/core/JavaHelp/JavaHelp.jnlp"/>
<extension name="InfoBus"   href="lib/core/XML/XML.jnlp"/>
<extension name="Java3D"    href="lib/core/Java3D/Java3D.jnlp"/>

<extension name="Skin Look And Feel" href="skinlf.php"/>



Contains a web address to the application's homepage.


href=url , required
Specifies the URL for the homepage. Web Start's Application Manager uses href to point the user to a web page where she can read more about the application.

Appears In



<homepage href="http://www.vamphq.com"/>

<homepage href="http://xml.apache.org/batik"/>



Describes an icon/image that represents the application. Web Start uses the icons during startup in the download progress popup, for desktop shortcuts and in the Web Start application manager. 64x64 icons are shown in the download progress popup and 32x32 icons are used for desktop icons and in the Web Start app manager. Web Start automatically resizes icons with other dimensions.


href=url , required
Contains a URL to a web location containing an image or an icon. Only JPEG and GIF graphic formats are supported.
version=version , optional
Specifies the version of the image.
width=pixels , optional
Describes the width of the icon in pixels.
height=pixels , optional
Describes the height of the icon in pixels.
kind=default|selected|disabled|rollover, optional
Describes the use of the icon. Default value is default.
depth=number , optional
Describes the color depth of the image in bits-per-pixel. Common values are 8, 16, or 24.
size=bytes , optional
Specifies the size of the image in bytes.

Appears In



<icon href="vamp.gif"/>

<icon href="smartcvs64x64.gif" width="64" height="64"/>
<icon href="smartcvs32x32.gif" width="32" height="32"/>



Contains various descriptive information about the application such as title, vendor and homepage.


locale=locale , optional
Specifies the locale for which this information section should be used. Locales describe a specific geographic, political, or cultural region in the format below:
language [ _COUNTRY [ _VARIANT ]]
The language is specified using two-letter, lowercase ISO-639 language codes and the optional country is specified using two-letter, uppercase ISO-3166 country codes. The variant is currently used to support the Euro currency using EURO. See Locale Codes for different predefined language-country-variant combinations.


title?, vendor?, homepage?, description*, icon*, offline-allowed?

Appears In



  <title>Venus Application Publisher</title>
  <vendor>Gerald Bauer</vendor>
  <homepage href="http://www.vamphq.com"/>
  <description>A user-friendly tool to help you package, sign and 
      publish JNLP software.</description>
  <icon href="vamp.gif"/>
  <offline-allowed />

  <title>jDiskReport 1.0</title>
  <vendor>Karsten Lentzsch</vendor>
  <homepage href="http://www.jgoodies.com/" />

  <description>jDiskReport - A Graphical Disk Report Utility</description>
  <description kind="short">jDiskReport enables you to understand how much 
      space the directories and files consume on your hard disks.</description>
  <description kind="tooltip">jDiskReport 1.0</description>

  <icon href="icon32x32.gif" width="32" height="32" />
  <offline-allowed />



Specifies an installer extension.


main-class=class , optional
Describes the main class for the installer/uninstaller.

Appears In



<installer-desc main-class="SpsInstaller/Install"/>



Indicates that the application needs the set of permissions defined for J2EE client apps.

Appears In






Describes a ranked list of supported JRE version that the application can run on. The most preferred version is specified first.


version=versions , required
Describes the versions of the JRE that the application runs on. Separate version ids with spaces.
href=url , optional
Specifies the location where to download the JRE.
initial-heap-size=bytes, kilos, megs , optional
Specifies the initial size of the object heap for the Java Virtual Machine. You can use the modifiers m and k for megabytes and kilobytes, respectively. For example, 128m will be the same as 134217728 (128*1024*1024). Both lower case (m) and upper case (M) are supported.
max-heap-size=bytes, kilos, megs , optional
Specifies the preferred maximum size of the object heap for the Java Virtual Machine. Use the modifiers m and k for megabytes and kilobytes, respectively.



Appears In



<j2se version="1.3" />

<j2se version="1.4 1.3 1.2.2+" />

<j2se version="1.3+" initial-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="512m" />



Describes a jar file that is part of the app's classpath.


href=url , required
Specifies the location of the jar.
version=version , optional
Describes the version of the jar.
main=true|false, optional
Indicates if the jar contains the main class. Default value is false. Note, that the jar containing the main class must be the first jar listed in the resources section.
download=eager|lazy, optional
Indicates if the jar must be downloaded before an application is launched (eager), or not (lazy). Default value is eager.
size=bytes , optional
Specifies the size of a jar in bytes.
part=name , optional
Describes the name of the group the jar belongs to.

Appears In



<jar href="lib/venus.jar" />

<jar href="lib/mypackage.jar" download="lazy"/>
<jar href="lib/mailicep.jar" main="true" part="plexmailer" download="eager"/>

<jar href="oracle.jdbc.jar" part="oracle"/>
<jar href="sybase.jdbc.jar" part="sybase"/>
<jar href="skinlf.jar" download="lazy" part="skinlf"/>



The jnlp file's one and only root.


spec=version , optional
Specifies what versions of the jnlp spec a jnlp file works with. The default value is 1.0+. Thus, you can typically leave it out.
version=version , optional
Specifies the version of the application as well as the version of the jnlp file itself.
codebase=url , optional
Specifies the codebase for the application. Codebase is also used as base URL for all relative URLs in href attributes.
href=url , optional
Contains the location of the jnlp file as a URL. If you leave out the href attribute, Web Start will disable the update check on your JNLP file, and Web Start will not treat each new JNLP file as an application update - only updated jar files will. Leaving out href usually makes only sense if your jnlp file is created dynamically (that is, throug a cgi-script, for example) and if your jnlp file's arguments or properties change from request to request (user to user).
Note, that Java Web Start needs href to list your app in the Web Start Application Manager.


information+, security?, resources*, (application-desc | applet-desc | component-desc | installer-desc)


<jnlp codebase="http://www.jgoodies.com/download/jdiskreport/"
      href="jdiskreport.jnlp" >

<jnlp spec="1.0+"
      codebase="file:///c:/sandbox/venus/startup" >

<jnlp spec="1.0+"



Describes a jar containing native libraries (e.g. .dll, .so).

All native libraries must be stored in the jar's root directory (that is, /) and follow the proper platform-specific naming convention (that is, *.dll on Windows and lib*.so on Linux/Solaris).

Native libraries are typically included in a resources section that applies to a particular operating system or processor architecture only.

Note, that your are responsible to load the native libaries in your app yourself using calls to System.loadLibrary (e.g. System.loadLibrary( "j3daudio" )). You also need to figure out the right loading order to avoid dependency conflicts. Note, also that you need to drop the native lib's file ending in the System.loadLibrary call.


href=url , required
Specifies the location of the jar containing native libraries.
version=version , optional
Describes the version of the jar containing native libraries.
download=eager|lazy, optional
Indicates if native libraries must be downloaded before application is launched (eager), or not (lazy). Default value is eager.
size=bytes , optional
Specifies the size of the jar containing native libraries.
part=name , optional
Describes the name of the part the native libraries belong to.

Appears In



<nativelib href="lib/mousewheel.dll.jar"/>



Indicates if the application can be launched offline (that is, without a connection to the originating server). Unless you specify offline-allowed, the application can only be launched online (that is, with a connection back to the originating server).

Appears In






Defines a relationship between a Java package or class name and a part.


name=name , required
Describes the name of a package or class.
part=name , required
Describes the part that holds the specified package or class.
recursive=true|false, optional
Indicates if all subpackages of this package are also included. Default value is false.

Appears In



<package name="oracle.*" part="oracle" recursive="true"/>
<package name="com.sybase.*" part="sybase" recursive="true"/>
<package name="com.l2fprod.*" part="skinlf" recursive="true"/>



Describes a parameter to an applet.


name=name , required
Describes the name of the parameter.
value=value , required
Describes the value of the parameter.

Appears In





Describes a name/value pair that is available to the application as a system property.

Use System.getProperty or System.getProperties to retrieve the property.


name=name , required
Describes the name of a system property.
value=value , required
Describes the value of a system property.

Appears In



<property name="user.name" value="Zeus" />



Contains an ordered set of resources that make up an application.


os=os , optional
Specifies for which operating system resources section applies. Values are valid as long as they match the values returned by the system properties os.name. Values that only match the beginning of os.name are also valid (e.g. if you specify Windows and the os.name is Windows 98, for example, everything works out fine). See os and arch Codes for os values for various operating systems. Note, that a space that is part of the key must be preceded with a backslash (\). For example, Windows\ 95 Window \98 specifies Windows 95 and Windows 98.
arch=arch , optional
Specifies for what processor architecture resources section applies. Values are valid as long as they match the values returned by the system properties os.arch. See os and arch Codes for arch values for various architectures.
locale=locale , optional
Specifies for which locales resources section applies. Locales describe a specific geographic, political, or cultural region in the format below:
language [ _COUNTRY [ _VARIANT ]]
The language is specified using two-letter, lowercase ISO-639 language codes and the optional country is specified using two-letter, uppercase ISO-3166 country codes. The variant is currently used to support the Euro currency using EURO. See Locale Codes for different predefined language-country-variant combinations.


(j2se | jar | nativelib | extension | property | package)*

Appears In

jnlp or j2se


  <j2se version="1.3+" />
  <jar  href="jdiskreport.jar" />

  <j2se version="1.3+" initial-heap-size="32m" max-heap-size="128m"/>
  <jar href="lib/mypackage.jar" download="lazy"/>
  <jar href="lib/mailicep.jar" main="true" part="plexmailer" download="eager"/>
  <extension name="SUN Crypto jar files" href="plexmailer_sun_crypto.jnlp"/>
  <extension name="SUN JSEE (SSL) files" href="plexmailer_sun_jsse.jnlp"/>
  <extension name="SUN LDAP files"       href="plexmailer_sun_ldap.jnlp"/>
  <extension name="SUN Mail jar files"   href="plexmailer_sun_mail.jnlp"/>
  <extension name="Apache jar files"     href="plexmailer_apache.jnlp"/>
  <extension name="Misc jar files"       href="plexmailer_3rd.jnlp"/>
  <package name="com.plexobject.*" part="plexmailer" recursive="true"/>

<resources os="Windows">
  <nativelib href="lib/mousewheel.dll.jar"/>



Describes the application's security requirements.

By default every application runs in a restricted execution environment (aka sandbox). If an app runs in a secure sandbox, it must follow these restrictions:

If you specify all-permissions, the app can do whatever it wants and has full access to the user's machine and local network.


all-permissions?, j2ee-application-client-permissions?

Appears In






Contains the application's name.

Appears In



<title>Venus Application Publisher</title>

<title>Batik SVG Viewer</title>



Contains the vendor's name.

Appears In



<vendor>Gerald Bauer</vendor>

<vendor>Apache Batik Project</vendor>

System Properties Available to Unsigned Apps

Name Description

os and arch Codes

os.name os.version os.arch comments
Windows 95 4.0 x86
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0 x86
Windows 2000 5.0 x86
Mac OS 7.5.1 PowerPC
Mac OS 8.1 PowerPC
Mac OS X
Linux 2.0.31 x86
Solaris 2.x sparc
OS/2 20.40 x86
MPE/iX C.55.00 PA-RISC
AIX 4.3 Power
FreeBSD 2.2.2-RELEASE x86
Irix 6.3 mips
Digital Unix 4.0 alpha
NetWare 4.11 4.11 x86
Source: http://www.vamphq.com/os.html

ISO-639 Language Codes

Language ISO Code Language ISO Code Language ISO Code
Abkhazian ab Hungarian hu Russian ru
Afar aa Icelandic is Samoan sm
Afrikaans af Indonesian in, id Sangro sg
Albanian sq Interlingua ia Sanskrit sa
Amharic am Interlingue ie Scots Gaelic gd
Arabic ar Inuktitut iu Serbian sr
Armenian hy Inupiak ik Serbo-Croatian sh
Assamese as Irish ga Sesotho st
Aymara ay Italian it Setswana tn
Azerbaijani az Japanese ja Shona sn
Bashkir ba Javanese jw Sindhi sd
Basque eu Kannada kn Singhalese si
Bengali (Bangla) bn Kashmiri ks Siswati ss
Bhutani dz Kazakh kk Slovak sk
Bihari bh Kinyarwanda rw Slovenian sl
Bislama bi Kirghiz ky Somali so
Breton br Kirundi rn Spanish es
Bulgarian bg Korean ko Sundanese su
Burmese my Kurdish ku Swahili sw
Byelorussian be Laotian lo Swedish sv
Cambodian km Latin la Tagalog tl
Catalan ca Latvian (Lettish) lv Tajik tg
Chinese zh Lingala ln Tamil ta
Corsican co Lithuanian lt Tatar tt
Croatian hr Macedonian mk Telugu te
Czech cs Malagasy mg Thai th
Danish da Malay ms Tibetan bo
Dutch nl Malayalam ml Tigrinya ti
English en Maltese mt Tonga to
Esperanto eo Manx Gaelic gv Tsonga ts
Estonian et Maori mi Turkish tr
Faeroese fo Marathi mr Turkmen tk
Farsi fa Moldavian mo Twi tw
Fiji fj Mongolian mn Uighur ug
Finnish fi Nauru na Ukrainian uk
French fr Nepali ne Urdu ur
Frisian fy Norwegian no Uzbek uz
Galician gl Occitan oc Vietnamese vi
Georgian ka Oriya or Volapuk vo
German de Oromo (Afan) om Welsh cy
Greek el Pashto (Pushto) ps Wolof wo
Greenlandic kl Polish pl Xhosa xh
Guarani gn Portuguese pt Yiddish ji,yi
Gujarati gu Punjabi pa Yoruba yo
Hausa ha Quechua qu Zulu zu
Hebrew iw, he Rhaeto-Romance rm
Hindi hi Romanian ro
Source: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/onlinedat/languages.html third-party link

ISO-3166 Country Codes

Country ISO Code Country ISO Code
Afghanistan AF Liberia LR
Albania AL Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY
Algeria DZ Liechtenstein LI
American Samoa AS Lithuania LT
Andorra AD Luxembourg LU
Angola AO Macao MO
Anguilla AI Macedonia MK
Antarctica AQ Madagascar MG
Antigua und Barbuda AG Malawi MW
Argentina AR Malaysia MY
Armenia AM Maldives MV
Aruba AW Mali ML
Australia AU Malta MT
Austria AT Marshall Islands MH
Azerbaijan AZ Martinique MQ
Bahamas BS Mauritania MR
Bahrain BH Mauritius MU
Bangladesh BD Mayotte YT
Barbados BB Mexico MX
Belarus BY Micronesia FM
Belgium BE Moldova MD
Belize BZ Monaco MC
Benin BJ Mongolia MN
Bermuda BM Montserrat MS
Bhutan BT Morocco MA
Bolivia BO Mozambique MZ
Bosnia and Herzogovina BA Myanmar MM
Botswana BW Namibia NA
Bouvet Island BV Nauru NR
Brazil BR Nepal NP
British Indian Ocean Territory IO Netherlands NL
Brunei Darussalam BN Netherlands Antilles AN
Bulgaria BG New Caledonia NC
Burkina Faso BF New Zealand NZ
Burundi BI Nicaragua NI
Cambodia KH Niger NE
Cameroon CM Nigeria NG
Canada CA Niue NU
Cape Verde CV Norfolk Island NF
Cayman Islands KY Northern Mariana Islands MP
Central African Republic CF Norway NO
Chad TD Oman OM
Chile CL Pakistan PK
China CN Palau PW
Christmas Island CX Panama PA
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC Papua New Guinea PG
Colombia CO Paraguay PY
Comoros KM Peru PE
Congo CG Philippines PH
Cook Islands CK Pitcairn PN
Costa Rica CR Poland PL
Cote d'Ivoire CI Portugal PT
Croatia HR Puerto Rico PR
Cuba CU Qatar QA
Cyprus CY Reunion RE
Czech Republic CZ Romania RO
Denmark DK Russian Federation RU
Djibouti DJ Rwanda RW
Dominica DM Saint Kitts and Nevis KN
Dominican Republic DO Saint Lucia LC
East Timor TP Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC
Ecuador EC Samoa WS
Egypt EG San Marino SM
El Salvador SV Sao Tome and Principe ST
Equatorial Guinea GQ Saudi Arabia SA
Eritrea ER Senegal SN
Estonia EE Seychelles SC
Ethiopia ET Sierra Leone SL
Falkland Islands FK Singapore SG
Faroe Islands FO Slovakia SK
Fiji FJ Slovenia SL
Finland FI Solomon Islands SB
France FR Somalia SO
France, Metropolitan FX South Africa ZA
French Guiana GF Spain ES
French Polynesia PF Sri Lanka LK
French Southern Territories TF St. Helena SH
Gabon GA St. Pierre and Miquelon PM
Gambia GM Sudan SD
Georgia GE Suriname SR
Germany DE Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ
Ghana GH Swaziland SZ
Gibraltar GI Sweden SE
Greece GR Switzerland CH
Greenland GL Syrian Arabic Republic SY
Grenada GD Taiwan TW
Guadeloupe GP Tajikistan TJ
Guam GU Tanzania TZ
Guatemala GT Thailand TH
Guinea GN Togo TG
Guinea-Bissau GW Tokelau TK
Guyana GY Tonga TO
Haiti HT Trinidad and Tobago TT
Heard and McDonald Islands HM Tunisia TN
Honduras HN Turkey TR
Hong Kong HK Turkmenistan TM
Hungary HU Turks and Caicos Islands TC
Iceland IS Tuvalu TV
India IN Uganda UG
Indonesia ID Ukraine UA
Iran IR United Arab Emirates AE
Iraq IQ United Kingdom GB
Ireland IE United States US
Isreal IL United States Minor Outlying Islands UM
Italy IT Uruquay UY
Jamaica JM Uzbekistan UZ
Japan JP Vanuatu VU
Jordan JO Vatican City State VA
Kazakhstan KZ Venezuela VE
Kenya KE Vietnam VN
Kiribati KI Virgin Islands (British) VG
Korea KP Virgin Islands (US) VI
Korea (North) KR Wallis and Futuna Islands WF
Kuwait KW Western Sahara EH
Kyrgystan KG Yemen YE
Lao LA Yugoslavia YU
Latvia LV Zaire ZR
Lebanon LB Zambia ZM
Lesotho LS Zimbabwe ZW
Source: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/onlinedat/countries.html third-party link

Locale Code Examples

Locale Description Locale Description
ar Arabic fi_FI_EURO Finnish (Finland,Euro)
ar_AE Arabic (United Arab Emirates) fr French
ar_BH Arabic (Bahrain) fr_BE French (Belgium)
ar_DZ Arabic (Algeria) fr_BE_EURO French (Belgium,Euro)
ar_EG Arabic (Egypt) fr_CA French (Canada)
ar_IQ Arabic (Iraq) fr_CH French (Switzerland)
ar_JO Arabic (Jordan) fr_FR French (France)
ar_KW Arabic (Kuwait) fr_FR_EURO French (France,Euro)
ar_LB Arabic (Lebanon) fr_LU French (Luxembourg)
ar_LY Arabic (Libya) fr_LU_EURO French (Luxembourg,Euro)
ar_MA Arabic (Morocco) hr Croatian
ar_OM Arabic (Oman) hr_HR Croatian (Croatia)
ar_QA Arabic (Qatar) hu Hungarian
ar_SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia) hu_HU Hungarian (Hungary)
ar_SD Arabic (Sudan) is Icelandic
ar_SY Arabic (Syria) is_IS Icelandic (Iceland)
ar_TN Arabic (Tunisia) it Italian
ar_YE Arabic (Yemen) it_CH Italian (Switzerland)
be Byelorussian it_IT Italian (Italy)
be_BY Byelorussian (Belarus) it_IT_EURO Italian (Italy,Euro)
bg Bulgarian iw Hebrew
bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria) iw_IL Hebrew (Israel)
ca Catalan ja Japanese
ca_ES Catalan (Spain) ja_JP Japanese (Japan)
cs Czech ko Korean
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) ko_KR Korean (South Korea)
da Danish lt Lithuanian
da_DK Danish (Denmark) lt_LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)
de German lv Latvian (Lettish)
de_AT German (Austria) lv_LV Latvian (Lettish) (Latvia)
de_AT_EURO German (Austria,Euro) mk Macedonian
de_CH German (Switzerland) mk_MK Macedonian (Macedonia)
de_DE German (Germany) nl Dutch
de_DE_EURO German (Germany,Euro) nl_BE Dutch (Belgium)
de_LU German (Luxembourg) nl_BE_EURO Dutch (Belgium,Euro)
de_LU_EURO German (Luxembourg,Euro) nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands)
el Greek nl_NL_EURO Dutch (Netherlands,Euro)
el_GR Greek (Greece) no Norwegian
en English no_NO Norwegian (Norway)
en_AU English (Australia) no_NO_NY Norwegian (Norway,Nynorsk)
en_CA English (Canada) pl Polish
en_GB English (United Kingdom) pl_PL Polish (Poland)
en_IE English (Ireland) pt Portuguese
en_IE_EURO English (Ireland,Euro) pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
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