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Discussions, Mailing Lists - Ask Real People

Web Start Developers Group
Ask questions or share tips and tricks about Java Web Start and the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). You're also more than welcome to announce your Java Web Start tool, script, addon, article, book, etc. to the list.

lopica-talk Mailing List - Subscribe/Unsubscribe
Beyond the basics; mailing list about all things Web Start; especially for sharing scripts, code snippets, extension installers, how-tos and other Web Start/JNLP goodies. Please post your Web Start newbie or troubleshooting questions to the Web Start Developers Group.

Open-Source Projects

Web Start Services Pack
Suite of servlets and scripts to help you serve and maintain Web Start apps includes support for Java runtime auto-download installations, support for macros inside Web Start XML startup file and much more; headed by Richard Osbaldeston

PingAutodl is a little script that lets you probe a server using the JNLP version protocol over HTTP to check what Java runtimes versions you can autodownload using Web Start. You can invoke PingAutodl from the command line with no parameters to check all the product version strings, or by calling it with parameters (e. g. PingAutodl 1.4+ 1.3) to probe the server for more exotic best match strings.

JNLP Ant Task Suite
The Lopica JNLP Ant Task Suite is a distro that collects and puts together the best free, open-source JNLP Ant tasks from the web into a single package.

Web Start XML Startup Script Browser
The Lopica Web Start XML Startup Script Browser lets you explore - suprise, suprise - Web Start XML startup scripts. To help you find and organize Web Start XML Startup Scripts the browser supports the OPML XML format so you can create channel guides or playlists.

Web Start XML Startup Script Checker
The Lopica Web Start XML Startup Script Checker lets you check if your Web Start XML startup scripts follow all the rules and regulations set forth in the spec and are ready for prime time. The Lopcia startup script checker loads your Web Start XML startup script, checks if it is well-formed, validates it against built-in DTD and W3C XML schemas and collects all warnings and errors. The Lopica startup script checker uses a multi schema engine and also allows you to use your own Relax, Relax NG, Trex, XML DTD, or W3C XML schemas.

Web Start XML Startup Catalog Machine
The Lopica Web Start XML Startup Script Catalog Machine lets you create catalogs listing Web Start apps along with their vendor, version, description, homepage and more. The Lopica Web Start Catalog Machine comes with a built-in template, but also allows you to use your own templates. The Lopica Catalog Machine uses Apache Velocity as its template engine and, therefore, spares you from learning yet another proprietary template syntax.

JNLP Model Pack
The Lopica JNLP Model Pack wraps the Web Start XML startup script (JNLP file) so you can use it using Java.

Apollo - Web Start Test Skeleton Toolkit
Apollo is an open-source developer test skeleton toolkit for Web Start. Apollo lets you turbo-charge Web Start apps without Web Start to speed up your compile/run/test/debug/goof-off cycle avoiding the hassle of stuffing, signing, uploading or downloading your jars every time you rearrange a comma in your source code.

Rachel - Web Start Resource Loading Toolkit
Rachel is an open-source resource loading toolkit for Java Web Start/JNLP. Rachel offers two solutions that make resource loading for Java Web Start/JNLP apps easy again. Solution 1 installs a URL handler for a new protocoll called class:// that delivers content from your app's jars identified by a Java class. Solution 2 embeds a multi-threaded, ultra-lightweight Web server in your app that serves up content for your app's jars using plain-vanilla http:// URLs.

Answers, Answers, Answers

Unofficial Web Start F.A.Q.
More than three years of collected wisdom from Web Start forums; for a 90-page pdf booklet download the Lopica distro

Unoffical Web Start F.A.Q. Update/Errata
Upcoming F.A.Q. entries; F.A.Q. errata and more


JNLP Tag Reference
Javadoc-style framed JNLP tag reference sporting cherry-picked real-world examples

JNLP Tag Reference (Papyrus Edition)
All-in-one-page JNLP tag reference

JNLP Tag Quick Reference
Quick Reference to Tags and Attributes

JNLP Tag Cheat Sheet
A Picture Says More Than A Thousands Words; Carry It In Your Purse

Web Start Configuration Reference
Hand-tune Web Start's configuration (jawaws.cfg); all config settings explained

Operating System and Processor Architecture Collection
os.name and os.arch revealed for Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows and more


Web Start Links
What is Web Start? Everything to Get Started

Java 2 Runtime Directory
Beyond Windows; run Java on Linux, Mac, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, OS/2, and so on.

Java Runtime and Web Start Installation Resources
Create Your Own Java Runtime Plus Web Start Installer

Web Start 2.0

If I Were King
Making Web Start Stronger and Ready for Prime Time

If I Were King: Web Start 2.0 Wishlist
Demand More; Post Your Suggestions and Comments To Make Web Start Stronger

Installers, Exe Wrappers and More

Java Installer, Exe Wrapper Links
Beyond Web Start; Links to Open Source Installers, Exe Wrappers, System Tray API Libraries And More

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